現代日本文読本 / Roy Andrew Miller編. -- Charles E. Tuttle, 1962.
戦後日本経済の高度成長とその原因 / 大来佐武郎. -- 日本国際教育協会, 1966.11. -- (留学生のための日本研究叢書 ; 第3巻).
日本美術鑑賞の手引 : 和英対照 / 東京国立博物館編. -- 東京美術, 1980.4.
封建制下の日本人民 / E.H.ノーマン著. -- 信濃毎日新聞社, 1947.9.
101 letters of Hideyoshi : the private correspondence of Toyotomi Hideyoshi / edited and translated by Adriana Boscaro. -- Sophia University, c1975. -- (Monumenta Nipponica monographs ; 54).
A bar of shadow / Laurens van der Post. -- Hogarth Press, 1954.
A book of five rings / Miyamoto Musashi ; translated [from the Japanese] by Victor Harris. -- : pbk. -- Allison and Busby, c1974.
A brother is a stranger / by Toru Matsumoto and Marion Olive Lerrigo. -- V. Gollancz, 1947.
A century of Chinese revolution, 1851-1949 / Worfgang Franke. -- Harper & Row, 1971. -- (Harper torchbooks ; TB1592).
A concise history of East Asia / C.P. Fitzgerald. -- Heinemann, 1966.
A cruise in Japanese waters / by Captain Sherard Osborn. -- William Blackwood and Sons, 1859.
A curse of blossom : a year in Japan / Quentin Crewe. -- Weidenfeld & Nicolson, c1960.
A dictionary of Japanese and English idiomatic equivalents / Charles Corwin, general editor. -- Japan Publicatoin Trading Co., 1968.
A dictionary of Japanese history / Joseph M. Goedertier. -- 1st ed.. -- Weatherhill, 1968.
A diplomat in Japan : the inner history of the criticial years in the evolution of Japan when the ports were opened and the monarchy restored, recorded by a diplomatist who took an active part in the events of the time, with an account of his personal. -- Seeley, Service, 1921.
A dragon apparent / Norman Lewis. -- Pan Books, 1957. -- (Pan-books ; X13).
A glympse of the "English House" and English life at Hirado, 1613-1623 / by M. Paske-Smith. -- J.L. Thompson, 1927.
A Guide to reading & writing Japanese : the 1,850 basic characters and the kana syllabaries / [Florence Sakade, general editor ; Kenji Emori, associate editor (Japanese language) ; Ralph Friedrich, associate editor (English language) ; Susumu Ohashi,. -- : Japan, pbk. -- Rev. ed. -- C.E. Tuttle, 1961, c1959.
A Haiku journey : Basho's Narrow road to a far province / translated and introduced by Dorothy Britton. -- : Japan. -- 1st rev. pbk. ed. -- Kodansha International, 1980, c1974.
A handbook for travellers in Japan : including the whole empire from Saghalien to Formosa / by Basil Hall Chamberlain and W.B. Mason. -- 8th ed.. -- Murray.
A handbook for travellers in Japan : including the whole empire from Yezo to Formosa / by Basil Hall Chamberlain and W.B. Mason. -- 7th ed.. -- J. Murray, 1903.
A history of Japan / by James Murdoch. -- v. 1, v. 2, v. 3. -- K. Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1925-1926.
A history of Japan / by James Murdoch. -- v. 1, v. 2, v. 3. -- Third impression. -- Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1949.
A history of Japan / George Sansom. -- to 1334, 1334-1615, 1615-1867. -- Cresset Press, 1958-1964. -- (The Cresset historical series ; ).
A history of Japan / Malcolm D. Kennedy. -- Weidenfeld and Nicolson, c1963.
A history of labor in modern Japan / by Iwao F. Ayusawa. -- East-West Center Press, c1966.
A history of modern China / by Kenneth Scott Latourette. -- Penguin Books, 1954. -- (Pelican books ; A302).
A history of pre-Meiji commerce in Japan / Takeshi Toyoda. -- Kokusai Bunka Shinkokai [Distributed by Japan Publications Trading Co., San Francisco], 1969. -- (Japanese life and culture series ; ).
A Hundred more things Japanese / [edited by Murakami Hyoe and Donald Richie]. -- Japan Culture Institute, 1980.
A Hundred things Japanese / [edited by Japan Culture Institute]. -- Japan Culture Institute, 1975.
A Japanese family / by John Sykes. -- A. Wingate, c1957.
A Japanese village : Suye Mura / by John F. Embree. -- K. Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1946. -- (International library of sociology and social reconstruction ; ).
A manual of Japanese writing / by Hamako Ito Chaplin and Samuel E. Martin. -- bk. 1, bk. 2, bk. 3. -- Yale University Press, 1967. -- (Yale linguistic series ; ).
A nation reborn : a short history of postwar Japan / by Jun Eto. -- Japan Information Center (Embassy of Japan), 1978.
A pilgrimage to the 88 temples in Shikoku Island / Mayumi Banzai. -- Kodansha, 1973.
A portrait of Japan / Laurens van der Post ; photographs by Burt Glinn. -- Hogarth Press, 1968.
A portrait of Tokyo. -- Tourist Division, Bureau of Public Relations & External Affairs, Tokyo Metropolitan Government, c1957.
A potter in Japan, 1952-1954 / by Bernard Leach. -- Faber, 1960.
A practical introduction to the study of Japanese writing ( Moji no shirube ) / by Basil Hall Chamberlain. -- 2nd ed. -- Crosby Lockwood.
A programmed introduction to literary-style Japanese / by P. G. O'Neill. -- School of Oriental and African Studies, c1968.
A short history of Anglo-Japanese relations / by Chozo Muto. -- Postwar ed.. -- Hokuseido Press, 1977.
A short history of Japan / by A.L. Sadler. -- 2nd ed. -- Angus & Robertson, c1962.
A simplified grammar of the Japanese language (modern written style) / by Basil Hall Chamberlain. -- Rev. ed.. -- University of Chicago Press, c1924.
A social basis for prewar Japanese militarism : the army and the rural community / Richard J. Smethurst. -- University of California Press, c1974.
A soldier must hang : the biography of an oriental general / John Deane Potter. -- F. Muller, 1963.
A spring-time case (Otsuya koroshi) / by Jun-ichiro Tanizaki ; translated by Zenchi Iwado. -- Japan Times, 昭和2 [1927]. -- (Masterpieces of contemporary Japanese fiction, the Japan Times' series ; ).
A study of samurai income and entrepreneurship : quantitative analyses of economic and social aspects of the samurai in Tokugawa and Meiji Japan / Kozo Yamamura. -- Harvard University Press, 1974. -- (Harvard East Asian series ; 76).
A study of the health service in Japan with particular reference to primary medical care : Report to the Nuffield Foundation / by W. J. Stephen. -- Nuffield Travelling Fellow in General Practice, 1972.
A tale of flowering fortunes : annals of Japanese aristocratic life in the Heian period / translated, with an introd. and notes, by William H. and Helen Craig McCullough. -- : set, v. 1, v. 2. -- Stanford University Press, c1980.
A text book of colloquial Japanese : based on the Lehrbuch der Japanischen Umgangssprache / by Rudolf Lange ; revised English edition by Christopher Noss. -- rev. English ed.. -- Kyobunkwan, 1935.
Admiral Togo / Georges Blond ; translated by Edward Hyams. -- Jarrolds, 1961.
After imperialism : the search for a new order in the Far East, 1921-1931 / Akira Iriye. -- Harvard University Press, 1965. -- (Harvard East Asian series ; no. 22).
After the banquet / Yukio Mishima ; translated from the Japanese by Donald Keene. -- Secker & Warburg, c1963.
Agrarian issues in Asia / by W. Klatt. -- 1, 2. -- [Offprint]. -- Royal Institute of International Affairs, [1972].
Agriculture: a key to the understanding of Chinese society, past and present / Karl A. Wittfogel. -- Australian National University Press, 1970 [i.e. 1971]. -- (George Ernest Morrison lecture in ethnology ; 31st).
Ainu creed and cult / by Neil Gordon Munro edited with a preface and an additional chapter by B. Z. Seligman Introduction by H. WATANABE. -- Routledge & K. Paul, 1962.
Alliance in decline : a study in Anglo-Japanese relations, 1908-23 / by Ian H. Nish. -- University of London, 1972. -- (University of London historical studies ; 33).
Allies of a kind : the United States, Britain and the war against Japan, 1941-1945 / Christopher Thorne. -- Hamilton, 1978.
America and East Asia : a new Thirty Years War? / by Richard Harris. -- Times Newspapers, 1968.
America encounters Japan : from Perry to MacArthur / by William L. Neumann. -- Johns Hopkins Press, 1963. -- (The Goucher College series ; ).
American ambassador; Joseph C. Grew and the development of the United States diplomatic tradition / by Waldo H. Heinrichs, Jr. -- [1st ed.]. -- Little, Brown, 1966.
An anthology of Japanese poems / translated and annotated by Miyamori Asataro = 英譯和歌選集 / 宮森麻太郎. -- Maruzen, 1938.
An economic geography of China / T.R. Tregear. -- Butterworths, 1970.
An economic history of Japan / by Takao Tsuchiya ; translation by Michitaro Shidehara ; revised by Neil Skene Smith ; edited, with an introduction and notes by Kurt Singer. -- Asiatic Society of Japan. -- (The Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan ; 2d ser., v. 15).
An experiment in wartime intercultural relations : Philippine students in Japan, 1943-1945 / by Grant K. Goodman. -- Southeast Asia Program, Dept. of Asian Studies, Cornell University, c1962. -- (Data paper ; no. 46).
An historical grammar of Japanese / by G.B. Sansom. -- Clarendon Press, 1946.
An instance of treason : Ozaki Hotsumi and the Sorge spy ring / Chalmers Johnson. -- Stanford University Press, 1964.
An introduction to Japan / by Herschel Webb ; under the direction of Hugh Borton and Douglas W. Overton. -- Columbia University Press, 1955.
An introduction to Japanese civilization / edited by Arthur E. Tiedemann. -- Columbia University Press, 1974. -- (Companions to Asian studies ; ).
An introduction to public enterprise in Japan / by Kiyohiko Yoshitake. -- Nippon Hyoron Sha (日本評論社), 1973.
An introduction to the arts of Japan / Peter C. Swann. -- B. Cassirer, c1958.
An introduction to written Japanese / by P.G. O'Neill and S. Yanada. -- English Universities Press, c1963.
An Invitation to Japan's literature / [senior editors, Tohata Seiichi ... et al. ; compiled and edited by Thomas J. Harper ... et al.]. -- Japan Culture Institute, 1974 printing.
An ocean without shores / by C. O. Jennings. -- Hodder & Stoughton, 1957. -- (Hodder Books ; ).
An outline of English literature : being a chronicle of our great writers from the time of Chaucer to the present day with a casual commentary / by J.A. Hammerton. -- Educational Book, 1925.
An outline of Japanese cosmic existentialism / by Chikao Fujisawa. -- [s.n.], 1954.
Anglo-Japanese relations during the First World War / [by] R. P. Dua. -- S. Chand, 1972.
Anglo-Japanese trade directory, 1967-68. -- 4th ed. -- The Anglo-Japanese Economic Institute (日英経済協会), c1967.
Anthology of Japanese literature to the mid-nineteenth century / introduced and compiled by Donald Keene. -- Penguin, 1968. -- (Penguin classics ; L199).
Art treasures from Japan : an exhibition of paintings and sculpture : the Victoria and Albert Museum, 2 July to 17 August. -- Arts Council, 1958.
Art treasures from the imperial collections : in commemoration of the visit of their Majesties the Emperor and Empress of Japan to the United States / organized by Imperial Household Agency ... [et al.], c1975.
Asia awakes : a continent in transition / Dick Wilson. -- Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1970.
Asia handbook / Editor, Guy Wint. -- rev. and abridged ed. -- Penguin, 1969. -- (Penguin reference books ; 40).
Asia. -- 1: v. 37, no. 2-6(Feb.-June), 2: v. 37, no. 7-12(July-Dece.). -- Editional Publications, 1937.
Asian policy, history, and development : collected essays / Frank H. H. King. -- Centre of Asian Studies, University of Hong Kong, 1979. -- (Centre of Asian Studies occasional papers and monographs ; no. 37).
Asian revolutionary : the life of Sen Katayama / by Hyman Kublin. -- Princeton Univ. Press, 1964.
Aspects of social change in modern Japan / edited by R.P. Dore ; contributors, Reinhard Bendix ... [et al.]. -- Princeton University Press, 1967.
Assignment for the '70's / John K. Fairbank. -- [Macmillan], [1969]. -- (The American historical review ; ).
Authority and the individual in Japan : citizen protest in historical perspective / edited by J. Victor Koschmann. -- University of Tokyo Press.
Awakening Japan : the diary of a German doctor / Erwin Baelz ; edited by Toku Baelz ; introduction by George Macklin Wilson. -- Indiana University Press, c1974.
Bamboo doctor / Stanley S. Pavillard. -- Pan Books, 1962. -- (Pan books ; G600).
Barbarian / by Willard Price. -- W. Heinemann, 1942.
Before agression : Europeans prepare the Japanese Army / Ernst L. Presseisen. -- University of Arizona Press, 1965. -- (The Association for Asian Studies, monographs and papers ; no. 21).
Before the dawn / by Toyohiko Kagawa ; translated from the Japanese by I. Fukumoto and T. Satchell. -- Chatto & Windus, 1925.
Beginners' dictionary of Chinese-Japanese characters with common abbreviations, variants and numerous compounds / compiled by Arthur Rose-Innes. -- 2nd ed.. -- K. Yoshikawa, 昭和11 [1936].
Behind bamboo : an inside story of the Japanese prison camps / Rohan D. Rivett. -- Angus & Robertson, 1946.
Behind the Japanese mask / by Sir Robert Craigie. -- Hutchinson, [1945].
Bernard Bloch on Japanese / edited with an introduction and analytic index by Roy Andrew Miller. -- Yale University Press, 1970. -- (Yale linguistic series ; ).
Beyond the Chindwin : being an account of the adventures of Number Five Column of the Wingate Expedition into Burma, 1943 / by Bernard Fergusson ; with a foreword by Viscount Wavell. -- Collins, 1945.
Big horse's flight : the trail of war in Central Asia / by Sven Hedin ; translated by F. H. Lyon. -- Macmillan, 1936.
Biographical dictionary of Japanese history / supervising editor, Seiichi Iwao ; translator, Burton Watson. -- 1st ed. -- Kodansha International, 1978.
Black star over Japan : rising forces of militarism / Albert Axelbank. -- Allen and Unwin, 1972.
Books and habits / Lafcadio Hearn ; selected and edited with an introduction by John Erskine. -- William Heinemann, 1922.
Botchan / by Soseki Natsume ; translated by Umeji Sasaki. -- : ja. -- 1st Tuttle ed.. -- C.E. Tuttle, 1968. -- (Tut books ; L).
Bridge of the Brocade Sash : travels and observations in Japan / Sacheverell Sitwell. -- Weidenfeld and Nicolson, c1959.
Bridge to the sun / Gwen Terasaki. -- M. Joseph, 1958, c1957.
Britain and Japan, 1858-1883 / Grace Fox. -- Clarendon Press, 1969.
Britain and South-East Asia / Saul Rose. -- Chatto & Windus, 1962. -- (Britain in the world today series ; ).
Britain and the Sino-Japanese War, 1937-1939 : a study in the dilemmas of British decline / Bradford A. Lee. -- us, uk. -- Stanford University Press.
Britain in the Far East : a survey from 1819 to the present / Peter Lowe. -- pbk.. -- Longman, 1981.
British factory, Japanese factory : the origins of national diversity in industrial relations / by Ronald Dore. -- : hard, : pbk. -- Allen & Unwin, [1973].
British policy in China, 1895-1902 / [by] L. K. Young. -- Clarendon, 1970.
British strategy in the Far East, 1919-1939 / by Wm. Roger Louis. -- Clarendon Press, 1971.
Broken thread : an autobiography / by F.S.G. Piggott ; with preface by the late field-marshal the Lord Milne of Salonika and Rubislaw ; and foreword by Colonel the Rt. Hon. Lord Hankey. -- Gale & Polden, 1950.
Brush strokes : moments from my life / Masayoshi Ohira ; translated by Simul International. -- 1st English ed.. -- Foreign Press Center, Japan, 1979, c1978.
Buddhism and Buddhists in Japan / by Robert Cornell Armstrong. -- Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1927.
Buddhist readings / compiled by Beatrice Lane Suzuki. -- pt. 2. -- Hirano Shoten, 1935.
Bunraku and Kabuki / by Kawatake Toshio. -- Kokusai Bunka Shinkokai, 1971. -- (Japanese life and culture series ; A history of Japanese theater 2).
Burma 1942-1945 / Raymond Callahan. -- Davis-Poynter, 1978. -- (The Politics and strategy of the Second World War ; ).
Burmese silver / Edward Thompson. -- Faber and Faber, [pref. 1943].
Bushido : the anatomy of terror / by Alexandre Pernikoff. -- Hutchinson, [1943?].
Bushido : the soul of Japan : an exposition of Japanese thought / by Inazo Nitobe ; with an introduction by William Elliot Griffis. -- 10th rev. and enl. ed.. -- G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1905.
Bushido: the soul of Japan ; Thoughts and essays / Inazo Nitobe. -- University of Tokyo Press, 1972. -- (The works of Inazo Nitobe ; v. 1).
Businessman's Japan : a survey of Japan's 'divine wind' economy in the 1960's / Takeshi Sato. -- Michael Joseph, 1964.
Capitalism and nationalism in prewar Japan : the ideology of the business elite, 1868-1941 / Byron K. Marshall. -- Stanford University Press, c1967.
Capitalism of working people / Sazo Idemitsu. -- Idemitsu Kosan?], [1969?].
Central Asia and Tibet : towards the holy city of Lassa / by Sven Hedin. -- v. 1, v. 2. -- Hurst and Blackett, 1903.
Changing Japanese attitudes toward modernization / edited by Marius B. Jansen ; contributors, Robert N. Bellah ... [et al.]. -- :pbk.. -- Princeton University Press, c1965.
Chariots of the gods? : unsolved mysteries of the past / Erich von Daniken ; translated [from the German] by Michael Heron. -- Corgi, 1971.
Children of the A-bomb : the testament of boys and girls of Hiroshima / compiled by Dr. Arata Osada ; translated by Jean Dan and Ruth Sieben-Morgen ; illustrated by Mr. and Mrs. Kuroki. -- Owen, 1963.
Children of the ashes : the story of a rebirth / Robert Jungk ; translated from the German by Constantine Fitzgibbon. -- Penguin, 1963. -- (Pelican books ; A599).
China and Britain / Sir John T. Pratt. -- Collins, [1944]. -- (The Nations and Britain ; ).
China and Japan : search for balance since World War I / Alvin D. Coox and Hilary Conroy, editors. -- ABC-Clio Books, c1978.
China and southeast Asia since 1945 / C.P. FitzGerald. -- Longman, 1973. -- (Studies in contemporary Southeast Asia ; ).
China and the cold war : a study in international politics / Michael Lindsay. -- Melbourne University Press, 1955..
China and the west / by Lord Lindsay of Birker. -- Australian National University, 1953. -- (George Ernest Morrison lecture in ethnology ; 15th (1953)).
China and the world since 1949 : the impact of independence, modernity and revolution / Wang Gungwu. -- : hc, : pbk. -- Macmillan, 1977. -- (The Making of the 20th century ; ).
China in maps / ed. by Harold Fullard. -- G. Philip, c1968.
China today / Klaus Mehnert. -- : pbk. -- Thames and Hudson, 1972.
China, the hungry dragon / by John Scott. -- Parents' Magazine Press, c1967.
China's foreign aid : theory and practice / Frank H.H. King. -- Institute of Asian Affairs, [1975]. -- (China in the seventies / International China Conference, Reisensburg ; edited by the German Association for East Asian Studies ; ).
China's national accounts : as seen by Western analysts / W. Klatt. -- Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, [1979].
Chindit column 76 : with nine full-page illustrations and two maps / W.A. Wilcox. -- Longmans, Green & Co., 1945.
Chindit indiscretion / by J. H. Denny. -- C. Johnson, 1956.
Chinese : classical, modern, and humane / by David Hawkes. -- Clarendon Press, 1961.
Chinese literature : a historical introduction / Ch'en Shou-yi. -- Ronald Press, c1961.
Chinese shadows / by Simon Leys. -- Penguin Books, 1978.
Chinese warlord : the career of Feng Yu-hsiang / James E. Sheridan. -- :, : pbk. -- Stanford University Press, 1966.
Christian converts and social protest in Meiji Japan / Irwin Scheiner. -- University of California Press, 1970.
Choshu in the Meiji Restoration / Albert M. Craig. -- Harvard University Press, c1961. -- (Harvard historical monographs ; no. 47).
City life in Japan : a study of a Tokyo ward / R.P. Dore. -- Routledge & K. Paul, 1958. -- (International library of sociology and social reconstruction ; ).
Clutch of circumstance / by Lewis Bush. -- Okuyama, 1956.
Colloquial Japanese / by William Montgomery McGovern. -- K. Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., [1925?].
Commercial history of Japan / by A.F. Thomas and Soji Koyama. -- Yuhodo, 1936.
Communism in South East Asia : a political analysis. -- Oxford University Press, 1959.
Communist China in world politics / Harold C. Hinton. -- Houghton Mifflin, [1966].
Comparative study of Wang-tao and Pa-tao / by Somei (Fusa-aki) Uzawa. -- [S.n.], [1925].
Concerning Lafcadio Hearn / by George M. Gould ; with a bibliography by Laura Stedman. -- T. Fisher Unwin, 1908.
Confessions of a mask / Yukio Mishima ; translated by Meredith Weatherby. -- Owen, 1960, c1958.
Conflict and tension in the Far East : key documents, 1894-1960 / by John M. Maki. -- University of Washington Press, 1961.
Confucian personalities / edited by Arthur F. Wright and Denis Twitchett ; with contributions by Albert E. Dien ... [et al.]. -- Stanford University Press, 1962. -- (Stanford studies in the civilizations of Eastern Asia ; ).
Confucianism in modern Japan : a study of conservatism in Japanese intellectual history / Warren W. Smith. -- Hokuseido Press, 1959.
Confucio e il cristianesimo / Paolo Beonio-Brocchieri. -- t. 1, t. 2. -- Vincenzo Bona, 1972-1973.
Confucius / by Shigeki Kaizuka ; translated by Geoffrey Bownas. -- George Allen & Unwin.
Consider Japan / by correspondents of the Economist. -- G. Duckworth, 1963, c1962.
Conspiracy at Matsukawa / [by] Chalmers Johnson. -- University of California Press, 1972.
Conspiracy at Mukden : the rise of the Japanese military / by Takehiko Yoshihashi. -- Yale University Press, 1963. -- (Yale studies in political science ; 9).
Contemporary government of Japan / Theodore McNelly. -- Allen & Unwin, [1963]. -- (Contemporary government series ; no. 6).
Contemporary government of Japan / Theodore McNelly. -- Houghton Mifflin, c1963.
Control of Japanese foreign policy : a study of civil-military rivalry, 1930-1945 / by Yale Candee Maxon. -- Univ. of California Press, 1957. -- (University of California publications in political science ; v. 5).
Conversations in Japan : modernization, politics and culture / David Riesman, Evelyn Thompson Riesman. -- Basic Books, c1967.
Court and Constitution in Japan : selected Supreme Court decisions, 1948-60 / by John M. Maki ; with translations by Ikeda Masaaki, David C. S. Sissons, and Kurt Steiner. -- University of Washington Press, c1964. -- (University of Washington publications on Asia ; ).
Crisis politics in prewar Japan : institutional and ideological problems of the 1930s / editor, George M. Wilson ; contributors, Ben-Ami Shillony ... [et al.]. -- Sophia University, c1970. -- (Monumenta Nipponica monographs ; ).
Daily life in Japan at the time of the Samurai, 1185-1603 / Louis Frederic ; translated from the French by Eileen M. Lowe. -- Allen and Unwin, 1972. -- (Daily life series ; 17).
Daughters of changing Japan / by Earl Herbert Cressy. -- V. Gollancz, 1955.
Day of Trinity / by Lansing Lamont. -- New American Library, [1966]. -- (A Signet book ; T2933).
Death in life : the survivors of Hiroshima / by Robert Jay Lifton. -- Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1968, c1967.
Defeat into victory / by Sir William Slim. -- Cassell, 1956.
Defiance in Manchuria : the making of Japanese foreign policy, 1931-1932 / by Sadako N. Ogata. -- University of California Press, 1964. -- (Publications of the Center for Japanese and Korean Studies ; ).
Democracy in prewar Japan : groundwork or facade? / edited with an introd. by George O. Totten. -- Heath, c1965. -- (Problems in Asian civilizations ; ).
Der politische Auftrag des Protestantismus in Japan / Mitsuo Miyata. -- Herbert Reich, 1964. -- (Evangelische Zeitstimmen ; 18).
Des Japonais parlent du Japon : le retour aux origines, .... -- Editions Esprit, 1973. -- (Esprit, nouvelle serie ; Annee 41, no. 421, Fevrier 1973).
Deterrent diplomacy : Japan, Germany, and the USSR, 1935-1940 : selected translations from Taiheiyo Senso e no michi, kaisen gaiko shi / edited by James William Morley. -- Columbia University Press, 1976. -- (Japan's road to the Pacific War ; )(Studies of the East Asian Institute ; ).
Development of environmental protection in Japan. -- Ministry of Foreign Affairs, [1974?].
Dictionary of Oriental literatures / general editor, Jaroslav PrLek. -- v. 1. East Asia, v. 2. South and South-East Asia, v. 3. West Asia and North Africa. -- Allen and Unwin, 1974.
Dictionary of selected forms in classical Japanese literature / Ivan Morris. -- Columbia University Press, 1966, c1965.
Die like the carp! : the story of the greatest prison escape ever / Harry Gordon. -- Cassell Australia, 1978.
Dilemma in Japan / by Andrew Roth. -- V. Gollancz, 1946.
Dimensions of Japan : a collection of reports written for the American Universities Field Staff / by Lawrence Olson. -- American Universities Field Staff, c1963.
Diplomacy and enterprise : British China policy, 1933-1937 / [by] Stephen Lyon Endicott. -- Manchester University Press, 1975.
Discord in the Pacific : challenges to the Japanese-American alliance / edited by Henry Rosovsky. -- Columbia Books, 1972.
Discovery of Japanese idealism / by Kishio Satomi. -- K. Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1924. -- (Trubner's Oriental series ; ).
Dragon and sickle : how communist revolution happened in China / Guy Wint. -- Pall Mall Press, 1958.
Dragon by the tail : American, British, Japanese, and Russian encounters with China and one another / John Paton Davies, Jr. -- Robson Books, 1974.
Dugald Christie of Manchuria, pioneer and medical missionary : the story of a life with a purpose / by his wife ; with foreword by His Excellency Sao-ke Alfred Sze. -- J. Clarke and Company, [1932].
D'un Japon secret / Paul Mousset. -- Bernard Grasset, 1957.
E.H. Norman, his life and scholarship / edited by Roger W. Bowen. -- University of Toronto Press, c1984.
Early Chinese economic influence in the Philippines, 1850-1898 / by Edgar Wickberg. -- Center for East Asian Studies, The University of Kansas, [1962]. -- (East Asian series, reprint ; no. 3).
East across the Pacific : historical & sociological studies of Japanese immigration & assimilation / edited by Hilary Conroy and T. Scott Miyakawa. -- : pbk. -- American Bibliographical Center-Clio Press, [1972].
East asia / edited by Keith Howell. -- Serasia, c1970. -- (Serasia guides ; ).
East Asia : China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam : geography of a cultural region / Albert Kolb ; translated by C.A.M. Sym. -- Methuen, 1971.
East Asia : the great tradition / Edwin O. Reischauer, John K. Fairbank. -- Modern Asia ed.. -- Houghton Mifflin. -- (A history of East Asian civilization ; v. 1).
East Asia : the modern transformation / John K. Fairbank, Edwin O. Reischauer, Albert M. Craig. -- Modern Asia ed. -- H. Mifflin. -- (A history of East Asian civilization ; v. 2).
Eclipse of the rising sun / by Toshikazu Kase ; edited by David Nelson Rowe. -- J. Cape, 1951.
Economic institutional change in Tokugawa Japan : Osaka and the Kinai cotton trade / William B. Hauser. -- Cambridge University Press, 1974.
Editorial jottings, 1930-1933 / Inazo Nitobe. -- University of Tokyo Press, 1972. -- (The works of Inazo Nitobe ; v. 5).
Education and Japan's modernization / Makoto Aso and Ikuo Amano. -- Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan, 1972.
Education and Japan's modernization / Makoto Aso and Ikuo Amano. -- Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan, 1972.
Education in Tokugawa Japan / by R.P. Dore. -- Routledge & K. Paul, 1965. -- (International library of sociology and social reconstruction ; v. 39).
Effects of air attack on urban complex : Tokyo-Kawasaki-Yokohama / The United States Strategic Bombing Survey. -- The Survey, 1947. -- (Report / United States Strategic Bombing Survey ; Pacific War ; 56).
Elementary Japanese for university students / compiled by Serge Elisseeff and Edwin O. Reischauer. -- Texts, Vocabularies, grammar and notes. -- 2nd enl. ed.. -- Published for the Harvard-Yenching Institute [by] Harvard University Press, 1942.
Emperor and nation in Japan : political thinkers of the Tokugawa period / David Magarey Earl. -- University of Washington Press, c1964.
Emperor Hirohito : a pictorial history. -- 1st ed.. -- Kodansha International in collaboration with Shukan Gendai, 1975.
Empire and aftermath : Yoshida Shigeru and the Japanese experience, 1878-1954 / J.W. Dower. -- : pbk. -- Council on East Asian Studies, Harvard University, 1979. -- (Harvard East Asian monographs ; 84).
Endo Shusaku : wjite man, yellow man / Francis Mathy. -- [S.n.], [1967].
Epitome of the ancient history of Japan : with illustrations of the principal historical personages, taken from ancient pictures / N. McLeod. -- Appended edition. -- Printed for the auther at the Rising Sun Office, 1878.
Essays on economic development / by Shigeto Tsuru. -- Kinokuniya Bookstore Co, 1968. -- (Economic research series / Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University ; no. 9).
Etajima : the Dartmouth of Japan / by Cecil Bullock. -- Sampson Low, Marston, [1942].
Europe & China : a survey of their relations from the earliest times to 1800 / by G. F. Hudson. -- Beacon Press, 1961, c1931.
European studies on Japan / edited by Ian Nish & Charles Dunn. -- Norbury, 1979.
Everyday life in traditional Japan / C.J. Dunn ; drawings by Laurence Broderick. -- B.T. Batsford.
Far east / by Cecil Beaton. -- B.T. Batsford, [1945].
Far East in ferment / by Guenther Stein. -- Methuen, 1936.
Far Eastern affairs / edited by G.F. Hudson. -- no. 1 - no. 4. -- Chatto & Windus, 1957-. -- (St. Antony's papers ; no. 2, 7, 14, 20).
Far Eastern politics in the postwar period / by Harold M. Vinacke. -- Appleton Century Crofts, c1956.
Farm and nation in modern Japan : agrarian nationalism, 1870-1940 / Thomas R. H. Havens. -- Princeton University Press, 1974.
Feudal control in Tokugawa Japan : the sankin kotai system / by Toshio G. Tsukahira. -- East Asian Research Center, Harvard University, c1966. -- (Harvard East Asian monographs ; 20).
Fifty years of new Japan (Kaikoku gojunen shi) / compiled by Shigenobu Okuma ; English version edited by Marcus B. Huish. -- v. 1, v. 2. -- Smith Elder, 1909.
Five gentlemen of Japan : the portrait of a nation's character / Frank Gibney. -- Gollancz, 1953.
Five studies in Japanese politics / edited by Robert E. Ward. -- University of Michigan Press, 1957. -- (Center for Japanese Studies occasional papers ; no. 7).
Folk legends of Japan / by Richard M. Dorson ; illustrated by Yoshie Noguchi. -- C.E. Tuttle Co., 1962.
Folk religion in Japan : continuity and change / Ichiro Hori ; edited by Joseph M. Kitagawa and Alan L. Miller. -- University of Chicago Press, 1968. -- (Haskell lectures on history of religions ; New ser. ; no. 1).
Forces of order : police behavior in Japan and the United States / David H. Bayley. -- University of California Press, c1976.
Forecast for Japan : security in the 1970's / edited by James William Morley ; contributors, Donald C. Hellmann ... [et al.]. -- Princeton University Press, c1972.
Form, style, tradition : reflections on Japanese art and society / by Shuichi Kato ; translated from the Japanese by John Bester. -- University of California Press, c1971.
Former German possessions in Oceania. -- H. M. Stationery Office, 1920. -- (Handbooks prepared under the direction of the Historical Section of the Foreign Office ; No. 146).
Formosa betrayed / by George H. Kerr. -- Houghton Mifflin Company, 1965.
Foundations of constitutional government in modern Japan, 1868-1900 / George Akita. -- Harvard University Press, c1967. -- (Harvard East Asian series ; 23).
Four samurai : a quartet of Japanese army commanders in the Second World War / Arthur Swinson. -- Hutchinson, 1968.
Fourteen years of diplomatic life in Japan : leaves from the diary of Baroness Albert d'Anethan / with an introduction by H.E. Baron Kato. -- Stanley Paul, 1912.
French Possessions in India. -- H. M. Stationery Office, 1920. -- (Handbooks prepared under the direction of the Historical Section of the Foreign Office ; No. 77).
From China looking outward / an inaugural lecture by Owen Lattimore. -- Leeds University Press, 1964.
From Emperor to citizen : the autobiography of Aisin-Gioro Pu Yi / [translated by W.J.F. Jenner]. -- v. 1, v. 2. -- Foreign Languages Press, 1964-1965.
From prejudice to tolerance : a study of the Japanese image of the West 1826-1864 / Richard T. Chang. -- Sophia University, c1970. -- (Monumenta Nipponica monographs ; ).
Gamelan, dance, and wayang in Jogjakarta / by R. M. Wasisto Surjodiningrat. -- [2d ed.]. -- Gadjah Mada University Press, 1971.
Gazetteer of the Japanese Empire : containing place names from the Japanese hydrographic charts and sailing directions on issue in 1936. -- Hydrographic Office, United States Navy Department, 1943. -- (H.O. pub. ; no. 880).
Genesis of the Meiji government in Japan, 1868-1871 / Robert Arden Wilson. -- University of California Press, 1957. -- (University of California publications in history ; v. 56).
Geology of the environs of Tokio / David Brauns. -- Tokio Daigaku, 1881.. -- (Memoirs of the Science Department, Tokio Daigaku (Universtiy of Tokio) ; No. 4).
Germany and Japan : a study in totalitarian diplomacy, 1933-1941 / Ernst L. Presseisen. -- Martinus Nijhoff, 1958. -- (International scholars forum : a series of books by American scholars ; 12).
Get Yamamoto / Burke Davis. -- A. Barker, 1971, c1969.
Giappone : rivista trimestrale a cura del centro di studi di cultura Giapponese - Roma. -- Anno. 1, n. 1-2 (luglio-dic. 1957)-anno. 3, n. 1-2 (genn.-giugno 1959) ; 1959 (1959)-1959 (1959) ; N. 1 (genn. 1961)-. -- Centro studi di cultura Giapponese, [1957]-.
Giving up the gun : Japan's reversion to the sword, 1543-1879 / Noel Perrin. -- D.R. Godine, c1979.
Gleanings in Buddha-fields : studies of hand and soul in the Far East / by Lafcadio Hearn. -- Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, c1897.
Gli iku-bashui degli Ainu / Fosco Maraini. -- [l'ambasciata italiana], 1942. -- (Pubblicazioni dell'istituto italiano di cultura in Tokio ; v. 1).
Goodbye Japan / by Joseph Newman. -- L.B. Fischer, 1942.
Government and local power in Japan, 500 to 1700 : a study based on Bizen Province / by John Whitney Hall. -- : pbk. -- Princeton University Press, c1966.
Government and politics in Japan : the road to democracy / John M. Maki. -- Thames & Hudson, 1962.
Government and revolution in Vietnam / Dennis J. Duncanson. -- Oxford University Press, 1968.
Government by assassination / by Hugh Byas. -- G. Allen & Unwin, 1943.
Grass on the wayside : a novel / by Natsume Soseki ; translated from the Japanese, and with an introduction by Edwin McClellan. -- C.E. Tuttle, 1971, c1969. -- (Tut books ; L)(Unesco collection of representative works ; Japanese ser.).
Great Britain and Japan, 1911-15 : a study of British Far Eastern policy / Peter Lowe. -- Macmillan.
Great Britain and the opening of Japan, 1834-1858 / W.G. Beasley. -- Luzac, 1951.
Great Britain and the origins of the Pacific war : a study of British policy in East Asia, 1937-1941 / by Peter Lowe. -- Clarendon Press, 1977.
Great historical figures of Japan / edited by Murakami Hyoe and Thomas J. Harper. -- Japan Culture Institute.
Guide to Buddhism / Einosuke Akiya. -- Seikyo Press, c1968.
Guide to Peking : and its environs near and far / by Fei-Shi. -- Fully rev. ed. -- Tientsin Press.
Guides to Japanese culture / edited by Murakami Hyoe and Edward G.Seidensticker. -- Japan Culture Institute.
Hagakure : the book of the samurai / Yamamoto Tsunetomo ; translated by William Scott Wilson. -- : Japan. -- 1st ed. -- Kodansha International, [1979].
Handbook of Japanese grammar / Harold G. Henderson. -- George Allen and Unwin, 1945.
Handbooks on the national language readers of Japan / by Kikue Ojima. -- v. 1 - Suppl.. -- Sankosha, 1929-1939.
Hara Kei in the politics of compromise, 1905-1915 / Tetsuo Najita. -- Harvard University Press, 1967. -- (Harvard East Asian series ; 31).
Harp of Burma / Michio Takeyama ; translated from the Japanese by Howard Hibbett. -- Tuttle, c1966. -- (Tut books ; L)(Library of Japanese literature ; )(UNESCO collection of contemporary works ; ).
Harvard journal of Asiatic studies / Harvard-Yenching Institute. -- Vol. 1 (1936)-. -- Harvard-Yenching Institute, 1936-.
Heaven, hell and hara-kiri : the rise and fall of the Japanese superstate / James Kirkup. -- Angus and Robertson, 1974.
Henry L. Stimson and Japan, 1931-1933 / Armin Rappaport. -- University of Chicago Press, c1963.
Here is Japan / [editor in chief, Eiichi Asai, Noriko Ikeda]. -- Asahi Broadcasting Corp., c1963.
Hermann Roesler and the making of the Meiji state : with his commentaries on the Meiji Constitution / Johannes Siemes. -- Sophia University Press, 1966. -- (Monumenta Nipponica monographs ; 24).
Higher civil servants in postwar Japan : their social origins, educational backgrounds, and career patterns / Akira Kubota. -- Princeton University Press, 1969.
Highways and homes of Japan / by Lady Lawson. -- T. Fisher Unwin, 1910.
Hirohito : Emperor of Japan / Leonard Mosley. -- Weidenfeld & Nicolson, c1966.
Hiroshima / John Hersey. -- Hamish Hamilton, c1966.
Histoire de la Coree / Li Ogg. -- Presses universitaires de France, 1969. -- (Que sais-je? ; 1310).
Histoire du Japon des origines a nos jours / Roger Bersihand. -- Payot, 1959. -- (Bibliotheque historique ; ).
Historians and Meiji statesmen / Richard T. Chang. -- University of Florida Press, 1970. -- (University of Florida monographs ; Social sciences ; no. 41).
Historical and geographical dictionary of Japan / by E. Papinot. -- Overbeck, 1948.
History and trends of modern Japanese literature / by Kan Kikuchi. -- Kokusai Bunka Shinkokai, 1936. -- (K.B.S. publications ; ser. B, no. 21).
History of Japan / by Saburo Ienaga. -- 9th ed. -- Japan Travel Bureau, 1965. -- (Tourist library ; v. 15).
Hokkaido : its present state of development and future prospects / by F.C. Jones. -- Oxford University Press, 1958.
Hong Kong eclipse / G. B. Endacott ; edited and with additional material by Alan Birch. -- Oxford University Press, 1978.
House of the sleeping beauties, and other stories / by Yasunari Kawabata ; with an introduction by Yukio Mishima ; translated by Edward G. Seidensticker. -- Quadriga Press, 1969[i.e.1974].
How did the Korean War begin? / by Karunakar Gupta. -- [University of London], [1972].
How Japan competes : an assessment of international trading practices with special reference to "dumping" / G.C. Allen ; with a commentary by Yukihide Okano. -- Institute of Economic Affairs. -- (Hobart paper ; 81).
How the conservatives rule Japan / by Nathaniel B. Thayer. -- Princeton University Press, 1969. -- (Studies of the East Asian Institute ; ).
How the North China affair arose. -- Rev. ed. -- Foreign Affairs Association of Japan, 1937.
Human relations in Japan : summary translation of "Tateshakai no ningen kankei" (Personal relations in a vertical society) / by Chie Nakane. -- Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1972.
I was defeated : a translation from the Japanese / by Yoshio Kodama. -- R. Booth and T. Fukuda, 1951.
If Karl Marx had been born in Japan / Sazo Idemitsu. -- Idemitsu, 1967?].
Imperial Japan and Asia : a reassessment / Grant K. Goodman, compiler. -- East Asian Institute, Columbia University, c1967. -- (Occasional papers of the East Asian Institute ; ).
Imperial Japan, 1926-1938 / by A. Morgan Young. -- G. Allen & Unwin, 1938.
Imperial tragedy : Japan in World War II, the first days and the last / Thomas M. Coffey. -- World Pub. Co., c1970.
Imphal : a flower on lofty heights / by Sir Geoffrey Evans and Antony Brett-James. -- Macmillan, 1962.
In 70 days : the story of the Japanese campaign in British Malaya / by Edwin Maurice Glover. -- F. Muller, 1946.
In spite of dungeons : the experiences as a prisoner-of war in North Korea of the Chaplain to the First Battalion, the Gloucestershire Regiment / by S.J. Davies ; with a foreword by Colonel J.P. Carne. -- Alan Sutton, 1976.
Indonesia and the Dutch / Leslie H. Palmier. -- Oxford University Press, 1962.
Indonesian experience : the role of Japan and Britain, 1943-1948 / papers by Sadao Oba, Roger Buckley, Gordan Daniels ; edited by Ian Nish. -- International Centre for Economics and Related Disciplines, London School of Economics, [1979?].
Insect summer / James Kirkup ; woodcuts by Naoko Matsubara. -- [1st ed.]. -- Knopf, c1971.
Insect-musicians & other stories & sketches / by Lafcadio Hearn ; compiled with notes by Prof. Jun Tanaka. -- Kairyu-do, 1930.
Introducing Japan : history, way of life, creative world, seen & heard, food & drink / edited by Paul Norbury. -- Paul Norbury Publications, 1977.
Introduction / Mark Elvin. -- [Stanford University Press], c1974.
Introduction au droit japonais / par Yosiyuki Noda. -- Librairie Dalloz, 1966. -- (Les Systemes de droit contemporains / Institut de droit compare de l'Universite de Paris ; 19).
Introduction to Japanese history : before the Meiji Restoration / by Inoue Mitsusada. -- Kokusai Bunka Shinkokai, 1962. -- (Japanese life and culture series ; v. 3).
Introduction to Japanese history before the Meiji Restoration / by Inoue Mitsusada. -- Rev. ed.. -- Kokusai Bunka Shinkokai, 1968. -- (Japanese life and culture series ; ).
Is Japan a great power? / by I.H. Nish. -- Stevens & Sons Ltd., 1967.
Ishiwara Kanji and Japan's confrontation with the West / by Mark R. Peattie. -- Princeton University Press, 1975.
Issues in Japan's China policy / Wolf Mendl. -- Macmillan, 1978.
Ito Jinsai : a philosopher, educator and sinologist of the Tokugawa period / by Joseph John Spae. -- Catholic University of Peking, 1948. -- (Monumenta serica : journal of oriental studies of the Catholic University of Peking = 輔仁大學華裔學志専刊 ; monograph ; 12).
Jan Compagnie in Japan, 1600-1817 : an essay on the cultural, artistic and scientific influence exercised by the Hollanders in Japan from the seventeenth to the nineteenth centuries / by C.R. Boxer. -- Martinus Nijhoff, 1936.
Japan / [prepared under the direction of Pierre Landy]. -- Nagel Publishers, c1965. -- (The Nagel travel guide series ; ).
Japan / by Edward Seidensticker and the editors of Life. -- Sunday Times, c1962. -- (The Sunday Times world library ; ).
Japan / by Sir Elser Dening. -- Ernest Benn, 1960. -- (Nations of the modern world ; ).
Japan / by Werner Bischof ; with text by Robert Guillan. -- Bantam Books, 1961.
Japan : "Black mist" and pre-electioneering / by Hans H. Baerwald. -- Center for Japanese and Korean Studies, Institute of International Studies, University of California, [1967]. -- (Japanese and Korean series ; no. 231).
Japan : a comparative view / edited by Albert M. Craig. -- Princeton University Press, c1979.
Japan : a concise history / Milton W. Meyer. -- Rev. ed.. -- Littlefield, Adams, 1976. -- (A Littlefield, Adams quality paperback ; no. 318).
Japan : a physical, cultural and regional geography / Glenn Thomas Trewartha. -- University of Wisconsin Press, 1960, c1945.
Japan : a record in colour / by Mortimer Menpes ; transcribed by Dorothy Menpes. -- A. & C. Black, 1901.
Japan : a short cultural history / by G.B. Sansom. -- Rev. ed.. -- Appleton-Century-Crofts, c1943.
Japan : a short cultural history / G. B. Sansom. -- Rev. ed. -- Cresset Press, 1946.
Japan : an attempt at interpretation / by Lafcadio Hearn. -- Macmillan, 1904.
Japan : divided politics in a growth economy / J.A.A. Stockwin. -- : pbk. -- 2nd ed. -- Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1982. -- (Modern governments ; ).
Japan : divided politics in a growth economy / J.A.A. Stockwin. -- : pbk. -- Weidenfeld and Nicolson, c1975. -- (Modern governments ; ).
Japan : enemy or ally? / W. Macmahon Ball. -- Cassell, 1948.
Japan : from prehistory to modern times / by John Whitney Hall. -- 1st Tuttle ed. -- C.E. Tuttle, 1971, c1970. -- (Tut books ; H).
Japan : historical and descriptive : revised and enlarged from "Les voyages celebres" / by Charles H. Eden. -- Marcus Ward, 1877.
Japan : images and realities / Richard Halloran. -- 1st Tuttle ed.. -- C.E. Tuttle, 1970, c1969. -- (Tut books ; S).
Japan : industrial power of Asia / by Robert B. Hall, Jr. ; a searchlight original under the general editorship of George W. Hoffman, G. Etzel Pearcy. -- D. Van Nostrand, c1963. -- (Van Nostrand searchlight book ; 11).
Japan : International House of Japan Library acquisition list, 1955-1975. -- Kokusai Bunka Kaikan, Toshoshitsu, 1975.
Japan : its history and culture / [by] W. Scott Morton. -- Crowell, [1970].
Japan : its history and culture / W. Scott Morton. -- David & Charles, c1973.
Japan : recollections and impressions / by Grace James. -- G. Allen & Unwin, 1936.
Japan : some phases of her problems and development ; Japaneses traits and foreign influences. -- University of Tokyo Press, 1972. -- (The works of Inazo Nitobe ; v. 3).
Japan : the final agony / [Alvin D. Coox]. -- Macdonald, 1970. -- (Purnell's history of the Second World War . campaign book ; no 9).
Japan : the fragile superpower / by Frank Gibney. -- 1st ed. -- C.E. Tuttle, 1975. -- (Tut books ; S).
Japan : the paradox of progress / edited by Lewis Austin, with the assistance of Adrienne Suddard and Nancy Remington. -- Yale University Press, 1976.
Japan : the rise of a modern power / by Robert P. Porter. -- Clarendon Press, 1918.
Japan 1931-1945 : militarism, fascism, Japanism? / edited by Ivan I. Morris. -- Heath, [1963]. -- (Problems in Asian civilization ; ).
Japan a surveys the European war / Tokyo Press Club. -- Tokyo Press Club, 1940.
Japan advances : a geographical study / by Prue Dempster ; cartography by K.J. Wass. -- 2nd ed. -- Methuen, 1969.
Japan and a Pacific free trade area. -- Macmillan, 1971.
Japan and Australia in the seventies / edited by J.A.A. Stockwin. -- Angus and Robertson in association with the Australian Institute of International Affairs, 1972.
Japan and Communist China / by Shao Chuan Leng ; foreword by Kenneth S. Latourette. -- Doshisha University Press, 1958.
Japan and East Asia : the new international order / Donald C. Hellmann. -- Pall Mall Press, 1972.
Japan and her colonies : being extracts from a diary made whilst visiting Formosa, Manchuria, Shantung, Korea and Saghalin in the year 1921 / by Poultney Bigelow. -- E. Arnold, 1923.
Japan and her destiny : my struggle for peace / Mamoru Shigemitsu ; edited by F.S.G. Piggott ; translated by Oswald White. -- Hutchinson, 1958.
Japan and its world : two centuries of change / Marius B. Jansen. -- Princeton University Press, c1980. -- (The Brown and Haley lectures ; ).
Japan and Korea : America's allies in the Pacific / James W. Morley. -- Walker, c1965. -- (The Walker summit library ; no. 5).
Japan and the Japanese : comprising the narrative of a captivity in Japan and an account of British commercial intercourse with that country / by Captain Golownin. -- v. 1, v. 2. -- New and rev. ed. -- Colburn, 1852.
Japan and the Philippines, 1868-1898 / by Josefa M. Saniel. -- University of the Philippines, 1963.
Japan and the United Nations : report of a study group set up by the Japanese Association of International Law / prepared for the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. -- Manhattan Pub. Co., 1958. -- (National studies on international organization ; ).
Japan and world trade; the years ahead. -- Saxon House.
Japan as number one : lessons for America / Ezra F. Vogel. -- Harvard University Press, 1979.
Japan behind the fan / James Kirkup. -- J.M. Dent, 1970.
Japan between East and West / Hugh Borton ... [et al.] ; foreword by Ernest A. Gross. -- 1st ed.. -- Published for Council on Foreign Relations by Harper, 1957.
Japan fights for Asia / John Goette. -- Macdonald, [1943].
Japan from prehistory to modern times / by John Whitney Hall. -- Weidenfeld & Nicolson, c1970. -- (The Weidenfeld and Nicolson universal history ; 20).
Japan in crisis : essays on Taisho democracy / edited by Bernard S. Silberman and H.D. Harootunian ; contributors, Gail Bernstein ... [et al.]. -- Princeton University Press, c1974.
Japan in postwar Asia / Lawrence Olson. -- Published for the Council on Foreign Relations by Pall Mall Press, 1970.
Japan in the Muromachi age / John W. Hall and Toyoda Takeshi, editors. -- University of California Press, c1977.
Japan is a circle : a tour round the mind of modern Japan / Kenichi Yoshida. -- Paul Norbury, 1975.
Japan journal, 1855-1861 / Henry Heusken ; translated and edited by Jeannette C. van der Corput and Robert A. Wilson. -- Rutgers University Press, c1964.
Japan over Asia / by William Henry Chamberlin. -- Duckworth, 1938.
Japan physical / by James Kirkup edited with Japanese translations by Fumiko Miura. -- Kenkyusha, c1969.
Japan strikes south : the story of French Indo-China passing under Japanese domination / by Andrew Roth. -- American Council, Institute of Pacific Relations, 1941.
Japan subdued : the atomic bomb and the end of the war in the Pacific / by Herbert Feis. -- Princeton University Press, 1961.
Japan surges ahead : Japan's economic rebirth / P.B. Stone. -- Weidenfeld & Nicolson, c1969.
Japan to-day : a souvenir of the Anglo-Japanese Exhibition held in London 1910 (a special number of the "Japan financial and economic monthly") / by Kotaro Mochizuki. -- Liberal News Agency, 1910.
Japan today : people, places, power / William H. Forbis ; foreword by Senator Mike Mansfield. -- 1st ed. -- Harper & Row, c1975. -- (A Cass Canfield book ; ).
Japan today : reluctant ally / James Cary. -- Pall Mall Press, 1963, c1962.
Japan under Taisho Tenno, 1912-1926 / by A. Morgan Young. -- Allen & Unwin, 1928.
Japan unmasked / by Ichiro Kawasaki. -- 1st ed. -- C.E. Tuttle, 1969. -- (Tut books ; S).
Japan, from surrender to peace / Baron E.J. Lewe van Aduard ; with a foreword by John Foster Dulles. -- M. Nijhoff, 1953.
Japan, past and present / by Edwin O. Reischauer ; foreword by Sir George Sansom. -- 3rd ed.. -- Gerald Duckworth, 1964.
Japan, past and present / by Edwin O. Reischauer ; foreword by Sir George Sansom. -- Duckworth, 1947.
Japan, the fragile superpower / by Frank Gibney. -- 1st ed. -- Norton, c1975.
Japan, the past in the present / R.S. Milward ; with an introduction by G.C. Allen. -- : pbk, : hard. -- P. Norbury, 1979. -- (Discover Japan ; ).
Japan, the years of trial, 1919-52 / by Murakami Hyoe. -- 1st ed. -- Japan Culture Institute, 1982.
Japan. -- [s.n.], 1919. -- (Handbooks prepared under the direction of the Historical Section of the Foreign Office ; no. 79).
Japan: miracle '70 : a business guide to the world's third economic power / prepared by the Financial Times. -- Longman, 1970.
Japan: the story of a nation / by Edwin O. Reischauer. -- Duckworth, 1970.
Japan: the years of triumph : from feudal isolation to Pacific empire / Louis Allen, [c1971]. -- (Library of the 20th century ; ).
Japanalia / by Lewis Bush. -- 4th rev. and enl. ed. -- Tokyo News Service, 1959.
Japanese and oriental political philosophy / by Chikao Fujisawa. -- Research Department of the Daito-Bunka-Kyokai, 1935.
Japanese and the Japanese : words in culture / Takao Suzuki ; translated by Akira Miura. -- 1st ed. -- Kodansha International, 1978.
Japanese and Western literature : a comparative study / by Armando Martins Janeira. -- C.E. Tuttle, c1970.
Japanese arts : What & where? / compiled by Tanio Nakamura of Tokyo National Museum. -- v. 2. -- Japan Travel Bureau, 1962.
Japanese blue collar : the changing tradition / Robert E. Cole. -- University of California Press, 1971.
Japanese character and culture : a book of selected readings / edited by Bernard S. Silberman. -- University of Arizona Press, 1962.
Japanese culture : its development and characteristics / edited by Robert J. Smith and Richard K. Beardsley. -- Methuen, 1963. -- (Viking Fund publications in anthropology ; no. 34).
Japanese diplomacy in a dilemma : new light on Japan's China policy, 1924-1929. -- University of British Columbia Press, [1972].
Japanese etiquette / by Bun Nakajima. -- [6th ed.]. -- Japan Travel Bureau, c1965. -- (Tourist library ; v. 18).
Japanese etiquette : an introduction / by the World Fellowship Committee of the Young Women's Christian Association of Tokyo, Japan. -- C.E. Tuttle, 1955. -- (Tut books ; R).
Japanese fiction in the Meiji era / by Mitsuo Nakamura. -- Kokusai Bunka Shinkokai, 1966. -- (Series on Japanese life and culture ; v. 13).
Japanese foreign policy and domestic politics : the peace agreement with the Soviet Union / Donald C. Hellmann. -- University of California Press, 1969.
Japanese foreign policy on the eve of the Pacific War : a Soviet view / by Leonid N. Kutakov ; edited with a foreword by George Alexander Lensen. -- Diplomatic Press, [1972].
Japanese foreign policy, 1869-1942 : Kasumigaseki to Miyakezaka / Ian Nish. -- Routledge & K. Paul, 1977. -- (Foreign policies of the great powers ; ).
Japanese fragments, with facsimiles of illustrations by artists of Yedo / by Sherard Osborn. -- Bradbury & Evans, 1861.
Japanese gardens and architecture. -- [2nd ed.]. -- Japan Travel Bureau, c1965.
Japanese girls and women / by Alice Mabel Bacon. -- Rev. and enl. ed. -- Gay & Bird, 1905.
Japanese imperialism today : "co-prosperity in greater East Asia" / Jon Halliday and Gavan McCormack. -- Penguin, 1973. -- (Pelican books).
Japanese in action : an unorthodox approach to the spoken language and the people who speak it / by Jack Seward. -- Weatherhill, c1969.
Japanese inn / by Oliver Statler. -- Secker & Warburg, 1961.
Japanese lady in Europe / by Haruko Ichikawa ; edited and with an introduction by William Plomer. -- Copyright ed. -- Kenkyusha, 1937.
Japanese landlords : the decline of a rural elite / Ann Waswo. -- University of California Press, c1977.
Japanese language patterns : a structural approach / Anthony Alfonso ; with the co-operation of Yoshisuke Hirabayashi ... [et al.]. -- v. 1, v. 2. -- Sophia University L.L. Center of Applied Linguistics, 1974.
Japanese lantern / by Wim Swaan. -- G. Bles, 1965.
Japanese literature of the Showa period : a guide to Japanese reference and research materials / Joseph K. Yamagiwa. -- University of Michigan Press, 1959. -- (Bibliographical series ; no. 8).
Japanese machinations / by M. Slamet. -- 1-4. -- [s.n.], 1946. -- (Japanese machinations ; 1-4).
Japanese names : a comprehensive index by characters and readings / P.G. O'Neill. -- J. Weatherhill, 1972.
Japanese objets d'art : (a breviary of the arts of Japan) / Frank A. Turk. -- Arco, 1962. -- (Arco handybooks ; ).
Japanese people and politics / Chitoshi Yanaga. -- J. Wiley.
Japanese plays, (versified.) / by Thomas R. H. McClatchie. -- "Japan daily herald" office, 1879..
Japanese poetry : the "uta" / [compiled and translated] by Arthur Waley. -- Clarendon Press, 1919.
Japanese poetry now / remade into English by Thomas Fitzsimmons. -- Rapp + Whiting, 1972.
Japanese political style : an introduction to the government and politics of modern Japan / Warren M. Tsuneishi. -- Harper & Row, c1966. -- (Harper's comparative government series ; ).
Japanese politics : an inside view, readings from Japan / Translated from the Japanese and edited by Hiroshi Itoh. -- pbk. -- Cornell University Press, [1973].
Japanese politics : an introductory survey / by Nobutaka Ike. -- Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1958, c1957.
Japanese popular culture : studies in mass communication and cultural change / edited and translated by Hidetoshi Kato ; made at the Institute of Science of Thought, Japan. -- 1st ed. -- C.E. Tuttle, 1959. -- (Studies of the program in international communication ; 4).
Japanese prose : texts and translations / selected and made by F.J. Daniels. -- L. Humphries, c1944.
Japanese proverbs and sayings / Daniel Crump Buchanan. -- 1st ed.. -- University of Okulahoma Press, 1965.
Japanese radicals revisited : student protest in postwar Japan / Ellis S. Krauss. -- University of California Press, c1974.
Japanese rainmaking and other folk practices / Geoffrey Bownas ; with line drawings by Pauline Brown. -- G. Allen & Unwin, 1963.
Japanese recognition of the U.S.S.R. : Soviet-Japanese relations, 1921-1930 / George Alexander Lensen. -- Sophia University.
Japanese religion : unity and diversity / [by] H. Byron Earhart. -- Dickenson, [c1969]. -- (The Religious life of man ; ).
Japanese rural society / by Tadashi Fukutake ; translated by R. P. Dore. -- Oxford University Press, c1967.
Japanese society / Chie Nakane. -- Weidenfeld & Nicolson, c1970. -- (The nature of human society series ; ).
Japanese society / Takeshi Ishida. -- [1st ed.]. -- Random House, [1971]. -- (Studies in modern societies ; ).
Japanese society in the Meiji era / compiled and edited by Shibusawa Keizo ; translated and adapted by Aora H. Culbertson and Kimura Michiko. -- Obunsha, 1958. -- (Centenary cultural council series . Japanese culture in the Meiji era ; v. 6).
Japanese studies in the United States : a report on the state of the field, current resources, and future needs. -- [s.n.], 1970.
Japanese studies on Japan & the Far East : a short biographical and bibliographical introduction / prepared by Teng Ssu-Yu, with the collaboration of Masuda Kenji and Kaneda Hiromitsu. -- Hong Kong University Press, 1961.
Japanese thought in the Tokugawa period, 1600-1868 : methods and metaphors / edited by Tetsuo Najita and Irwin Scheiner. -- : cloth, : paper. -- University of Chicago Press, 1978.
Japanese urbanism : industry and politics in Kariya, 1872-1972 / Gary D. Allinson. -- University of California Press, c1975.
Japanese wood engravings : their history, technique, and characteristics / by William Anderson. -- New & rev. ed.. -- Seely, 1908.
Japanese-trained armies in Southeast Asia : independence and volunteer forces in World War II / Joyce C. Lebra. -- Heinemann Educational Books (Asia), 1977. -- (Asian studies series ; ).
Japan's American interlude / Kazuo Kawai. -- University of Chicago Press, 1960.
Japan's colonialism and Indonesia / M.A. Aziz. -- M. Nijhoff, 1955. -- (Publications under the direction of the Netherlands Institute of International Affairs ; 1).
Japan's cultural history : a perspective / by Yutaka Tazawa ... [et al.]. -- Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan, 1973.
Japan's decision for war : records of the 1941 policy conferences / translated, edited, and with an introducrion by Nobutaka Ike. -- Stanford University Press, 1967.
Japan's decision to surrender / Robert J.C. Butow ; foreword by Edwin O. Reischauer. -- : pbk. -- Stanford University Press, 1954. -- (The Hoover Library on War, Revolution, and Peace publication ; no. 24).
Japan's decisive century, 1867-1967 / Shigeru Yoshida. -- F.A. Praeger, 1967.
Japan's economic expansion / G.C. Allen. -- Oxford University Press, 1965.
Japan's economic recovery / G.C. Allen. -- Oxford University Press, 1958.
Japan's emergence as a modern state : political and economic problems of the Meiji period / by E. Herbert Norman. -- International Secretariat, Institute of Pacific Relations, 1940. -- (I.P.R. inquiry series ; ).
Japan's feet of clay / by Freda Utley. -- Faber and Faber, 1936.
Japan's first general election, 1890 / R.H.P. Mason. -- Cambridge University Press, 1969. -- (University of Cambridge oriental publications ; no. 14).
Japan's first student radicals / Henry DeWitt Smith, II. -- Harvard University Press, 1972. -- (Harvard East Asian series ; 70).
Japan's foreign policy, 1868-1941 : a research guide / edited by James William Morley. -- Columbia University Press, 1974. -- (Studies of the East Asian Institute ; ).
Japan's Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere in World War II : selected readings and documents / edited and introduced by Joyce C. Lebra. -- Oxford University Press, 1975.
Japan's imperial conspiracy / by David Bergamini. -- W. Morrow, 1971.
Japan's islands of mystery / by Willard Price. -- Published for The British Publishers Guild, 1944. -- (Guild books ; no. 219).
Japan's last war : World War II and the Japanese, 1931-1945 / Saburo Ienaga ; [translated from the Japanese by Frank Baldwin]. -- Blackwell, 1979.
Japan's longest day / compiled by the Pacific War Research Society. -- Souvenir Press.
Japan's modern century / by Hugh Borton. -- Ronald Press Co., c1955.
Japan's modern century : a special issue of Monumenta Nipponica prepared in celebration of the centennial of the Meiji restoration / edited by Edmund Skrzypczak. -- Sophia University in cooperation with Charles E. Tuttle, 1968.
Japan's new middle class : the salary man and his family in a Tokyo suburb / by Ezra F. Vogel. -- University of California Press, 1963.
Japan's new order in east Asia : its rise and fall, 1937-45 / by F. C. Jones. -- Oxford Univ. Press, 1954.
Japan's parliament : an introduction / Hans H. Baerwald. -- Cambridge University Press, 1974.
Japan's place in the world / by Julian Grande. -- H. Jenkins, 1934.
Japan's place in trade strategy : larger role in Pacific region / by G.C. Allen. -- Atlantic Trade Study, 1968.
Japan's political system / Robert E. Ward. -- Prentice-Hall, 1967. -- (Comparative Asian governments series ; ).
Japan's political warfare / by Peter de Mendelssohn. -- G. Allen & Unwin, 1944.
Japan's position in Asia / by James W. Morley. -- East Asian Institute, School of International Affairs, Columbia University, [1963].
Japan's postwar defense policy, 1947-1968 / Martin E. Weinstein. -- Columbia University Press, 1971. -- (Studies of the East Asian Institute ; ).
Japan's quest for autonomy : national security and foreign policy, 1930-1938 / by James B. Crowley. -- Princeton University Press, 1966.
Japan's relations with Southeast Asia, 1952-60 : with particular reference to the Philippines and Indonesia / [by] K. V. Kesavan. -- Somaiya Publications, [1972].
Japan's war at sea : Pearl Harbor to the Coral Sea / David A. Thomas. -- A. Deutsch, 1978.
Japon troisieme grand / Robert Guillain. -- Seuil, [c1969]. -- (L'Histoire immediate ; ).
Joint ventures and Japan / Robert J. Ballon, editor, contributors, Teisuke Akamatsu ... [et al.]. -- Sophia University.
Journey to Japan / by John Alexander. -- W. Gardner, Darton & co., 1947.
Journeys among the gentle japs in the summer of 1895 : with a special chapter on the religions of Japan / by J. Ll. Thomas. -- Sampson Low, Marston, 1897.
Jungle alliance, Japan and the Indian National Army / [by] Joyce C. Lebra. -- Donald Moore for Asia Pacific Press, 1971. -- (Asia Pacific world library ; ).
Kabuki drama / by Syutaro Miyake. -- 10th ed.. -- Japan Travel Bureau, 1964. -- (Tourist library ; 7).
Kabuki drama / by Syutaro Miyake. -- 12th ed. -- Japan Travel Bureau, c1971. -- (Tourist library ; 7).
Kafu the scribbler : the life and writings of Nagai Kafu, 1879-1959 / Edward Seidensticker. -- Stanford University Press, 1965.
Kakemono : a sketch book of post-war Japan / by Honor Tracy. -- Methuen, 1950.
Kanji abbreviations variants and equivalents. -- s.n., 1945?]. -- (Southwest pacific area, A.T.I.S. publication ; no. 8).
Kappa : a novel / Ryunosuke Akutagawa ; translated from the Japanese by Geoffrey Bownas ; with an introduction by G.H. Healey. -- 1st Tuttle ed. -- C.E. Tuttle, 1971, c1970. -- (Tut books ; L).
Kenkyusha's simplified English dictionary : English through English = 研究社簡易英英辞典 / 研究社辭書部. -- 63th ed. -- Kenkyusha, 1942.
Kimono / by John Paris. -- Penguin Books, 1947. -- (Penguin books ; 503).
Kinship and economic organization in rural Japan / Chie Nakaue. -- Athlone Press. -- (London School of Economics monographs on social anthropology ; no. 32).
Knights and samurai : feudalism in northern France and Japan / Archibald Lewis. -- Temple Smith, 1974.
Korea and Manchuria between Russia and Japan, 1895-1904 : the observations of Sir Ernest Satow, British minister plenipotentiary to Japan (1895-1900) and China (1900-1906) / selected and edited with a historical introduction by George Alexander Lensen. -- Diplomatic Press, 1966.
Korea my country / by Yung Tai Pyun. -- International Cultural Association of Korea, 1954.
Kurusu : the price of progress in a Japanese village, 1951-1975 / Robert J. Smith. -- Dawson, 1978.
Kwaidan / by Lafcadio Hearn ; edited with notes by Rintaro Fukuhara. -- Kenkyusha, 1925. -- (Kenkyusha English texts ; ).
Kyoto : the old capital of Japan (794-1869) / by the late R.A.B. Ponsonby-Fane ; with a foreword by Izuru Shimmura. -- Ponsonby Memorial Society, 1956.
Kogun : the Japanese army in the Pacific War / Saburo Hayashi ; in collaboration with Alvin D. Coox. -- Marine Corps Association, 1959.
Kotoku Shusui : portrait of a Japanese radical / [by] F.G. Notehelfer. -- University Press, 1971.
La gauche revolutionnaire au Japon / Bernard Beraud. -- wditions du Seuil, 1970. -- (Combats ; ).
La ribellione di Huang Hsiao-yang in epoca Ming / Lucia Caterina. -- Istituto Orientale di Napoli, 1972.
La sensibilite japonaise / Georges Bonneau. -- 3. ed. -- L'auteur, 1934.
Land reform in Japan / by R.P. Dore. -- Oxford University Press, 1959.
Landscapes and portraits : appreciations of Japanese culture / Donald Keene. -- Secker and Warburg, 1972.
Le Japon / Jean Lequiller. -- Sirey, c1966. -- (L'Histoire du XXe siecle ; ).
Le Japon au XI歹 Congres international des sciences historiques a Stockholm : l'etat actuel et les tendances des etudes historiques au Japon. -- Nippon Gakujutsu Shinkokai, 1960.
Le Japon dans le monde : l'expansion Nippone 1854-1934 / Antoine Zischka. -- Payot, 1935, c1934. -- (Collection d'etudes, de documents et de temoignages pour servir a l'histoire de notre temps ; ).
Le peuple Japonais et la guerre : choses vues 1939-1946 / Robert Guillain. -- Rene Julliard, 1947.
Le rideau de verre entre l'asie et l'europe. -- Plon, 1965. -- (Table ronde ; 209).
Leadership in Communist China / John Wilson Lewis. -- Cornell University Press, 1963.
L'economia e la societa' Giapponese = Japanese economy and society. -- Casa Editrice Dott. A. Milani, 1973. -- (Rivista internazionale di scienze economiche e commerciali ; Anno. 20, n. 8-9).
Lectures on Japan : What the league of Nations has done and is doing. The use and study of foreign langueges in Japan. Reminiscences of childhood. Two exotic currents in Japanese civilization. An unfinished translation of. -- University of Tokyo Press, 1972. -- (The works of Inazo Nitobe ; v. 4).
Leftwing literature in Japan : a brief history of the proletarian literay movement / by G.T. Shea. -- The Hosei University Press, 1964.
Leftwing social movements in Japan : an annotated bibliography / [by] Cecil H. Uyehara ; published for the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University. -- Charles E. Tuttle, 1959.
Les Americains et Sa Majeste l'Empereur : wtude du conflit culturel d'ou naquit la Constitution japonaise de 1946 / Claude Monnier. -- wdition de la Baconniere, 1967. -- (Histoire et societe d'aujourd'hui ; ).
Les influences occidentales dans la revolution de l'Orient : Inde, Malaisie, Chine (1850-1950) / Francois Leger. -- Plon, 1955. -- (Civilisations d'hier et d'aujourd'hui ; ).
Les origines : essai d'histoire ancienne du Japon. -- Impr. de Nazareth, 1924. -- (Le shintoisme, religion nationale / J.-M. Martin ; 1).
L'histoire pour tous, no. 32, Dec. 1962 / Alain Decaux, directeur. -- Excelsior publications, 1962.
Li Po and Tu Fu / poems selected and translated with an introduction and notes by Arthur Cooper ; Chinese Calligraphy by Shui Chien-Tung. -- Penguin Books, c1973. -- (Penguin classics ; ).
Life of Admiral Sir Archibald Lucius Douglas : commander of the legion of honour, order of the rising sun of Japan, spanish naval order of merit / by his son Archibald C. Douglas. -- Mortimer bros., 1938.
Life, an enigma, a precious jewel / Daisaku Ikeda ; trans. by Charles S. Terry. -- 1st ed.. -- Kodansha International.
Light and darkness : an unfinished novel / by Soseki Natsume ; translated from the Japanese, with a critical essay by V.H. Viglielmo. -- C.E. Tuttle, 1972, c1971. -- (Tut books ; L)(Unesco collection of representative works ; Japanese ser.).
L'Indochine a l'heure japonaise : la verite sur le coup de force, la resistance en Nouvelle-Caledonie / J. Legrand ; [pref. du General d'Armee Catroux]. -- Impr. 」gitna, 1963].
L'isola delle pescatrici / Fosco Maraini. -- Leonardo da Vinci editrice, c1960. -- (Piccolo orizzonte ; ).
Live machines : hired foreigners and Meiji Japan / H.J. Jones. -- Paul Norbury Publications, 1980.
Living Japan / by Donald Keene. -- Heinemann, 1959.
Long the imperial way / by Hanama Tasaki. -- V. Gollancz, 1951.
Loose leaves from Japanese history / [by Frank Cary]. -- J.L. Thompson, 昭和10 [1935].
Lotus through the slime / Omori Harris. -- Marston, [19--].
Madame Chrysantheme / Pierre Loti ; dessins et aquarelles de Rossi et Myrbach ; gravure de Guillaume Freres. -- Calmann-Levy, 1888. -- (Collection E. Guillaume et Cie ; ).
Malayan postscript / by Ian Morrison. -- Faber and Faber, 1942.
Manchukuo : a bird's-eye view / by James A.B. Scherer. -- Hokuseido Press, 1933.
Manchuria : the cockpit of Asia / by Colonel P. T. Etherton and H. Hessell Tiltman. -- CHEAPER EDITION. -- Jarrolds, 1934.
Manchuria. -- H. M. Stationery Office, 1920. -- (Handbooks prepared under the direction of the Historical Section of the Foreign Office ; No. 69).
Mao and the Chinese Revolution / by Jerome Ch'en ; with thirty-seven poems by Mao Tse-tung ; translated from the Chinese by Michael Bullock and Jerome Ch'en. -- Oxford University Press, 1965.
Meiji 1868: revolution and counter revolution in Japan / Paul Akamatsu translated [from the French] by Miriam Kochan. -- pbk. -- Allen and Unwin, 1972. -- (The Great revolutions series ; no. 3).
Memoirs of a captivity in Japan, 1811-1813 / Captain Golownin ; with an introduction by John McMaster. -- v. 1, v. 2, v. 3. -- Oxford University Press, 1973. -- (Oxford in Asia historical reprints ; ).
Memorials of Naibu Kanda / edited by Kanda Memorial Committee. -- Toko-Shoin, 1927.
Memories / by Lord Redesdale. -- v. 1, v. 2. -- Hutchinson, 1915.
Michi haruka : milestones on my pathway / by Ume Kajima ; foreword by Morinosuke Kajima. -- Kajima Institute Pub. Co, c1963.
Militarism and fascism in Japan / O. Tanin, E. Yohan ; with an introduced by Karl Radek. -- M. Lawrence, 1934.
Military and state in modern Asia / Harold Z. Schiffrin, editor. -- Jerusalem Academic Press, 1976. -- (Truman Institute studies ; Asia ser.).
Military roles in modernization : civil-military relations in Thailand and Burma / Moshe Lissak. -- Sage Publications, c1976. -- (Sage series on armed forces and society ; v. 8).
Ministers of modernization : elite mobility in the Meiji restoration, 1868-1873 / Bernard S. Silberman. -- University of Arizona Press, c1964.
Minobe Tatsukichi : interpreter of constitutionalism in Japan / Frank O. Miller. -- University of California Press, 1965. -- (Publications of the Center for Japanese and Korean Studies ; ).
Misunderstanding : Europe versus Japan / Endymion Wilkinson. -- Chuokoron-Sha, 1981.
Mitsui : three centuries of Japanese business / by John G. Roberts ; foreword by Chitoshi Yanaga. -- 1st ed.. -- Weatherhill, 1973.
Modern Japan / Richard Sims. -- Bodley Head, 1973. -- (A Bodley Head contemporary history ; ).
Modern Japan : a brief history from A.D. 800 to the present day / Brian Powell ; drawings by Elizabeth Hammond. -- Weidenfeld & Nicolson, c1969. -- (The Young historian books ; ).
Modern Japan : aspects of history, literature and society / edited by W.G. Beasley. -- Allen and Unwin, 1975. -- (Studies on modern Asia and Africa ; no. 11).
Modern Japan and Shinto nationalism : a study of present-day trends in Japanese religions / Daniel Clarence Holtom. -- Rev. ed. -- University of Chicago Press, 1947. -- (Haskell lectures in comparative religion ; ).
Modern Japanese economy since the Meiji Restoration / by Takahashi Masao. -- Kokusai Bunka Shinkokai, 1967. -- (Series on Japanese life and culture ; v. 14).
Modern Japanese literature in translation : a bibliography / compiled by the International House of Japan Library. -- Kodansha International.
Modern Japanese management. -- Management Publications Ltd. for British Institute of Management, 1970.
Modern Japanese stories : an anthology / edited by Ivan Morris ; with translations by Edward Seidensticker ... [et al.] ; and woodcuts by Masakazu Kuwata. -- : pbk. -- C.E. Tuttle, 1962. -- (Unesco collection of representative works ; Japanese series).
Modern Japan's foreign policy / by Morinosuke Kajima. -- 1st ed. -- C.E. Tuttle, 1969.
Mon / Soseki Natsume ; translated from the Japanese by Francis Mathy. -- 1st Tuttle ed. -- C.E. Tuttle, 1972. -- (Tut books ; L)(Unesco collection of representative works . Japanese series).
Mongolia. -- H. M. Stationery Office, 1920. -- (Handbooks prepared under the direction of the Historical Section of the Foreign Office ; No. 68)(Peace handbooks ; 12 ; 68).
Monsoon victory / by Gerald Hanley. -- Collins, 1946.
More queer things about Japan : to which are added "The Letters of Will. Adams," written from Japan, 1611-1617, reprinted by special permission from the papers of the Hakluyt Society, and "A Life of Napoleon," written and illustrated by Japanese in. -- A. Treherne, 1904.
Mori Arinori / Ivan Parker Hall. -- Harvard University Press, 1973. -- (Harvard East Asian series ; 68).
Mori Ogai and the modernization of Japanese culture / Richard John Bowring. -- Cambridge University Press, 1979. -- (University of Cambridge oriental publications ; no. 28).
Moscow and Chinese communists / by Robert C. North. -- 2nd ed. -- Stanford University Press, 1963.
Motoori Norinaga, 1730-1801 / Shigeru Matsumoto. -- Harvard University Press, 1970. -- (Harvard East Asian series ; 44).
My adventures with the I.N.A. / by K.R. Palta ; foreword by General Mohan Singh. -- Lion Press, 1946.
Naga path / Ursula Graham Bower. -- Readers Union, 1952.
Narrative of the Earl of Elgin's mission to China and Japan in the years 1857, '58, '59 / by Laurence Oliphant. -- v. 1, v. 2. -- William Blackwood and Sons, 1859.
Narrative of the expedition of an American squadron to the China seas and Japan, under the command of Commodore M.C. Perry, United States Navy / compiled at his request and under his supervision, by Francis L. Hawkes ; abridged and edited by Sidney. -- Macdonald, 1954, c1952.
Nationalism and the right wing in Japan : a study of post-war trends / I.I. Morris ; with an introduction by Maruyama Masao. -- Oxford University Press, 1960.
Nationalism in Japan : an introductory historical analysis / Delmer M. Brown. -- University of California Press, 1955.
Natsume Soseki as a critic of English literature / Matsui Sakuko. -- Centre for East Asian Cultural Studies, c1975. -- (East Asian cultural studies series ; no. 16).
Naval surgeon : revolt in Japan, 1868-1869 : the diary of Dr. Samuel Pellman Boyer / edited by Elinor Barnes and James A. Barnes ; introduction by Allan Nevins. -- Indiana University Press, c1963.
New Guinea diary / by George H. Johnston. -- V. Gollancz, 1944.
New intensive Japanese / 小川健二著. -- 北星堂書店, 1966.5.
New paths for Japan / by Harold Wakefield ; with an introduction by Sir Paul Butler. -- Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1948.
New writing in Japan / edited by Yukio Mishima and Geoffrey Bownas. -- Penguin, 1972. -- (Writing today ; ).
Nichu : a Japanese school / [by] John Singleton. -- Holt, Rinehart and Winston, [1967]. -- (Case studies in education and culture ; ).
Nippon eitaigura : a problem of oriental translation / by Louis Allen. -- [S.n.], [1961].
Nippon Shindo Ron or The National ideals of the Japanese people / Yutaka Hibino ; transrlated by A. P. Mckenzie. -- University Press, 1928.
Nipponalia : books on Japan in European languages in the Library of Kyoto University of Foreign Studies. -- [Main], supplement 1, supplement 2. -- Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, 1972-<1984 >.
Nishi Amane and modern Japanese thought / by Thomas R.H. Havens. -- Princeton University Press, 1970.
No surrender : my thirty-year war / Hiroo Onoda ; translated by Charles S. Terry. -- A. Deutsch, 1975.
No time for geishas / by Geoffrey Pharaoh Adams. -- Cooper, 1973.
Noh and Kyogen / by Inoura Yoshinobu. -- Kokusai Bunka Shinkokai, 1971. -- (Japanese life and culture series . A history of Japanese theater ; 1).
Normalization of Japanese-Soviet relations, 1945-1970 / Savitri Vishwanathan. -- Diplomatic Press, c1973.
North Korea today / ed. by Robert A. Scalapino. -- Praeger, 1963. -- (Praeger publications in Russian history and world communism ; no.135).
Notes in Japan / by Alfred Parsons. -- Osgood McIlvaine, 1896, c1895.
O impacte portugues sobre a civilizacao japonesa : seguido de um epilogo sobre as relacoes entre Portugal e o Japao do seculo XVII aos nossos dias / Armando Martins Janeira. -- Publicacoes Dom Quixote, [1970]. -- (Documentario ; 8).
Oh, Japan! : yesterday, today, & probably tomorrow / Kimpei Shiba. -- Paul Norbury Publications, 1979.
Old tales of Japan / by Yuri Yasuda ; with ninety-eight illustrations by Yoshinobu Sakakura and Eiichi Mitsui. -- 3rd rev. ed. -- C.E. Tuttle Co., 1956.
On the coasts of Cathay and Cipango forty years ago / a record of surveying service in the China Yellow and Japan Seas and on the seabord of Corea and Manchuria / by William Blakeney ; with illustrations by F.le Breton Bedwell, also numerous sketches,. -- Elliot Stock, 1902.
One hot summer in Kyoto / John Haylock. -- London Magazine Editions, 1980.
One in all : an anthology of religion from the sacred scriptures of the living faiths / compiled by Edith B. Schnapper ; with an introduction by Baron Erik Palmstierna. -- J. Murray, 1952. -- (Wisdom of the East series ; ).
One's company : a journey to China / by Peter Fleming. -- British Publishers Guild, 1944. -- (Guild books ; S67).
Organizing for the Rowlatt Satyagraha of 1919 : who knows how it all came about? / by Hugh Owen. -- [Centre for Asian Studies, University of Western Australia], [c1971]. -- (Reprints of publications by members - Centre for Asian Studies of the University of Western Australia ; no. 6).
Oriental despotism : a comparative study of total power / by Karl A. Wittfogel. -- Yale University Press, c1957.
Origin of the Korean alphabet / by Eduardo Navarrete Sarabia. -- E. Navarrete, 1978.
Our life in Japan / by R. Mounteney Jephson and Edward Pennell Elmhirst ; with illustrations from photographs by Lord Walter Kerr, Signor Beato, and native Japanese drawings. -- Chapman and Hall, 1869.
Out of the East : reveries and studies in new Japan / by Lafcadio Hearn. -- Jonathan Cape, 1927, c1923. -- (The Travellers' library ; 43).
Ox against the storm : a biography of Tanaka Shozo, Japan's conservationist pioneer / Kenneth Strong. -- Paul Norbury Publications, 1977.
Ou va le Japon / Jacques Cheroy. -- Hachette, c1954.
Pacific estrangement : Japanese and American expansion, 1897-1911 / Akira Iriye. -- Harvard University Press, 1972. -- (Harvard studies in American-East Asian relations ; 2).
Palace and politics in prewar Japan / David Anson Titus. -- Columbia University Press, 1974. -- (Studies of the East Asian Institute ; ).
Paper windows : poems from Japan / James Kirkup. -- J.M. Dent, 1968.
Papers on Japan : from seminars at Harvard University. -- vol. 4. -- East Asian Research Center, Harvard University, 1967.
Papers on modern Japan / ed. by D.C.S. Sissons. -- 1965, 1968. -- Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University, 1965.
Parties and politics in contemporary Japan / Robert A. Scalapino and Junnosuke Masumi. -- University of California Press, c1962.
Parties out of power in Japan, 1931-1941 / Gordon Mark Berger. -- Princeton University Press, c1977.
Party in power; the Japanese Liberal-Democrats and policy-making. -- Australian National University Press, 1970.
Party rivalry and political change in Taisho Japan / Peter Duus. -- Harvard University Press, 1968. -- (Harvard East Asian series ; 35).
Paternalism in the Japanese economy : anthropological studies of oyabun-kobun patterns / John W. Bennett & Iwao Ishino. -- University of Minnesota Press, c1963.
Peace-making and the settlement with Japan / by Frederick S. Dunn ; principal collaborators Annemarie Shimony, Percy E. Corbett, Bernard C. Cohen. -- Princeton University Press, 1963.
Pearl Harbor as history: Japanese-American relations, 1931-1941 / Edited by Dorothy Borg and Shumpei Okamoto, with the assistance of Dale K. A. Finlayson. -- :pbk. -- Columbia University Press, 1973. -- (Studies of the East Asian Institute ; ).
Peasant nationalism and communist power : the emergence of revolutionary China, 1937-1945 / Chalmers A. Johnson. -- Stanford University Press, 1962.
Peasants, rebels, and outcastes : the underside of modern Japan / by Mikiso Hane. -- : hbk, : pbk. -- Pantheon, c1982.
Peking versus Delhi / George N. Patterson. -- Faber and Faber, c1963.
Personality in Japanese history / introduced and edited by Albert M. Craig and Donald H. Shively. -- University of California Press, 1970.
Picture of Japan / Colin Simpson ; with decorations by Claire Simpson. -- Rev. and enl. ed. -- Hodder and Stoughton, 1966.
Pillow of grass / Nancy Phelan. -- Macmillan, 1969.
Place, people and work in Japan : four studies / [by] B. L. C. Johnson and Phyllis Reichl, 1972.
Political change in Japan : response to postindustrial challenge / Taketsugu Tsurutani. -- pbk.. -- D. McKay Co., c1977. -- (Comparative studies of political life ; ).
Political development in modern Japan / edited by Robert E. Ward ; contributors, Ardath W. Burks ... [et al.]. -- : pbk. -- Princeton University Press, 1968.
Political modernization in Japan and Turkey / ed. by Robert E. Ward & Dankwart A. Rustow. Contributors : John Whitney Hall... -- Princeton Univ. Press, 1964.. -- (Studies in political development ; 3).
Political thought in early Meiji Japan, 1868-1889 / Joseph Pittau. -- Harvard University Press, 1967. -- (Harvard East Asian series ; 24).
Politics and culture in wartime Japan / Ben-Ami Shillony. -- Clarendon Press, 1981.
Politics and economics in contemporary Japan / [edited by Murakami Hyoe and Johannes Hirschmeier]. -- Japan Culture Institute.
Politics and government in Japan. -- 2d ed. -- Houghton Mifflin, [1972]. -- (Contemporary government series ; ).
Politics in postwar Japanese society / Joji Watanuki. -- University of Tokyo Press, c1977.
Politics of the Meiji press : the life of Fukuchi Gen'ichiro / James L. Huffman. -- University Press of Hawaii, c1980.
Popular Japanese stories : together with Mitsuyae : a story of the Saigo war / by George J. Penney. -- Hyogo news Co., 1890.
Port Arthur : the siege and capitulation / by Ellis Ashmead-Bartlett. -- W. Blackwood and sons, 1906.
Port Arthur : three months with the besiegers : a diurnal of occurrents / by Frederic Villiers. -- Longmans, Green and Co., 1905.
Portuguese Possessions in India. -- [s.n.], 1918. -- (Handbooks prepared under the direction of the Historical Section of the Foreign Office ; No. 82).
Postscript from Hiroshima / by Rafael Steinberg. -- H. Hamilton, 1966.
Post-war democratization in Japan. -- Unesco, 1961. -- (International social science journal : social sciences of education = Revue internationale des sciences sociales / Unesco ; v. 13, no. 1, 1961).
Prelude to marxism : the Chinese student movement in Japan, 1900-1910 / Robert A. Scalapino. -- Center for Chinese Studies, Institute of International Studies, University of California, [1967]. -- (Chinese series ; Reprint ; no. 252).
Prince Ito / by Kenji Hamada. -- G. Allen & Unwin, c1936.
Prince Saionji / by Yosaburo Takekoshi ; tr. by Nariaki Kozaki. -- 3. ed. -- Ritsumeikan Univ., 1934.
Princeton papers in East Asian studies. -- I. Japan (1). -- Princeton University, 1972.
Prisoner in Japan / Phyllis Argall. -- G. Bles, 1945.
Prisoner of the British : a Japanese soldier's experiences in Burma / by Yuji Aida translated from the Japanese by Hide´ Ishiguro and Louis Allen. -- Cresset Press, 1966.
Prisoner of the japs / by Gwen Dew. -- Hutschinson, [194-].
Problems of communism / U.S. Information Agency, Special Materials Section. -- v. 20, no. 1-2(Jan.-Apr.), 1971. -- Documentary Studies Section, International Information Administration, 1952-1992.
Proceedings of the British Association for Japanese Studies. -- 1, pt.1 - 11. -- University of Sheffield, Centre of Japanese Studies, 1976-.
Professional manpower and education in Communist China / Leo A. Orleans. -- National Science Foundation, [1961?].
Protest in Tokyo : the security treaty crisis of 1960 / by George R. Packard III. -- Princeton University Press, 1966.
Psychology of the Japanese people / by Hiroshi Minami ; translated by Albert R. Ikoma, under the auspices of the East-West Center. -- University of Tokyo Press, c1971.
Race to Pearl Harbor : the failure of the Second London Naval Conference and the onset of World War II / Stephen E. Pelz. -- Harvard University Press, 1974. -- (Harvard studies in American-East Asian relations ; 5).
Radical nationalist in Japan : Kita Ikki, 1883-1937 / George M. Wilson. -- Harvard University Press, 1969. -- (Harvard East Asian series ; 37).
Rain and the feast of the stars / Reiko Hatsumi ; decorations by Jeanyee Wong. -- J. Murray, 1960.
Rambles in Japan : the land of the rising sun / by H.B. Tristram ; with forty-five illustrations by Edward Whymper from sketches and photographs. -- Religious Tract Society, 1895.
Reading Japanese / Eleanor Harz Jorden and Hamako Ito Chaplin. -- : cloth, : pbk. -- Yale University Press, 1976. -- (Yale language series ; ).
Rebellion and democracy in Meiji Japan : a study of commoners in the popular rights movement / Roger W. Bowen. -- : cloth. -- University of California Press, c1980.
Red flag in Japan : international communism in action, 1919-1951 / Rodger Swearingen and Paul Langer. -- Harvard Universiry Press, c1952.
Red sun rising : the siege of Port Arthur / Reginald Hargreaves. -- Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1962. -- (Great battles series ; ).
Reform and revolution in Asia / edited by G.F. Hudson. -- Allen and Unwin, 1972. -- (Publications ; no. 7).
Reminiscences : history of Japan from the 1930's to the outbreak of the Greater East Asia War / by Ryuzo Sejima. -- [s.n.], 1972.
Report from Hokkaido : the remains of Russian culture in northern Japan / George Alexander Lensen. -- Municipal Library of Hakodate, 1954.
Report from Tokyo : a warning to the United Nations / by Joseph C. Grew. -- Hammond, c1942.
Report of the Indian Statutory Commission : presented by the Secretary of State for Home Department by Command of His Majesty, May, 1930. -- v. 1-2. -- H.M.S.O, 1930. -- (Cmd ; 3568-3569, 3692).
Report on Japan to the secret committee of the English East India Company / by Sir Stamford Raffles, 1812-1816 ; with preface by M. Paske-Smith. -- J.L. Thompson, 1929.
Retreat from China : British policy in the Far East, 1937-1941 / [by] Nicholas R. Clifford. -- Longmans, 1967.
Revolt in Japan : the young officers and the February 26, 1936 incident / Ben-Ami Shillony. -- Princeton University Press, c1973.
Revolution and liberation : a short history of modern China, 1900-1970 / W. S. K. Waung. -- Heinemann Educational, 1971.
Revolutionary democracy : challenge and testing in Japan / by E. Wight Bakke. -- Archon Books, 1968.
Revolutionary immortality : Mao Tse-Tung and the Chinese Cultural Revolution / by Robert Jay Lifton. -- Vintage Books, a division of Random House, c1968. -- (A Vintage book ; V-474).
Romanized English-Japanese dictionary / by M. Takahashi. -- Rev. 5th ed. -- Taiseido, 1952.
Russia's Japan expedition of 1852 to 1855 / by George Alexander Lensen. -- University of Florida Press, 1955.
Ryunosuke Akutagawa's Kappa / translated from the Japanese by Seiichi Shiojiri. -- New ed.. -- Hokuseido, 1949.
Saito Musashi-bo Benkei : tales of the wars of the Gempei : being the story of the lives and adventures of Iyo-no-Kami Minamoto Kuro Yoshitsune and Saito Musashi-bo Benkei the warrior monk / by James S. de Benneville. -- v. 1, v. 2. -- The Author, 1910.
Sakamoto Ryoma and the Meiji Restoration / by Marius B. Jansen. -- Princeton University Press, 1961.
Sakhalin: a history / by John J. Stephan. -- Clarendon Press, 1971.
Sand against the wind : Stilwell and the American experience in China, 1911-45 / Barbara W. Tuchman. -- Macdonald Futura, 1981, c1971.
Schemes for maintaining general peace / by the Right Hon. Lord Phillimore. -- H.M. Stationery Office, 1920. -- (Handbooks prepared under the direction of the Historical Section of the Foreign Office ; no. 160).
School of Japanese Instruction : Vocabulary of common Japanese words with numerous examples & notes / conversational Japanese for biginners by Arthur Rose-Innes. -- [Government of India Press], [1944].
Schooldays in Imperial Japan : a study in the culture of a student elite / Donald Roden. -- University of California Press, c1980.
Seaweed for breakfast / by Nina Epton. -- Cassell, 1963.
See you in Yasukuni / Gerald Hanley. -- Collins, 1969.
Selections from modern Japanese writers : English translation / by A.L. Sadler. -- Australasian Medical Pub. Co., 1943.
Senryu : Japanese satirical verses / translated and explained by R.H. Blyth. -- Hokuseido, 1949.
Shades of the past : or, Indiscreet tales of Japan / by Harold S. Williams ; decorations by Jean Williams. -- C.E. Tuttle, 1958. -- (Tut books ; H).
Shakespeare in Japan : an historical survey / by Toyoda Minoru. -- [Japan Society of London], [1939?].
Shimoda story / Oliver Statler. -- 1st Tuttle ed. -- C.E. Tuttle, 1971, c1969. -- (Tut books ; H,P).
Shinohata : a portrait of a Japanese village / Ronald Dore. -- Allen Lane, 1978.
Shinto : the unconquered enemy : Japan's doctrine of racial superiority and world conquest : with selections from Japanese texts / by Robert O. Ballow. -- Viking Press, 1945.
Shinto : the way of the gods / by W.G. Aston. -- Longmans, Green and Co., 1905.
Shinto : at the fountain-head of Japan / Jean Herbert ; with a preface by Marquis Yukitada Sasaki. -- G. Allen & Unwin, 1967.
Shoriki : miracle man of Japan : a biography / by Edward Uhlan and Dana L. Thomas ; foreword by Bob Considine. -- 1st ed.. -- Exposition Press, c1957.
Short cuts to Japanese : a primer of the Japanese language / Stanley Wemyss and Kanae Akiyama. -- Padell Book, 1945.
Shrine Shinto after World War II / by Wilhelmus H.M. Creemers. -- E.J. Brill, 1968.
Shunkyuro zuidan : my thoughts and actions / Morinosuke Kajima. -- Kajima Institute of Research, [1961].
Shusaku Endo : Japanese catholio novelist / Francis Mathy. -- [S.n.], [c1967].
Shogun / James Clavell. -- Coronet, 1976.
Side excursions in history / [by Frank Cary]. -- J.L. Thompson, 昭和9 [1934].
Silence / Shusaku Endo ; translated by William Johnston. -- Sophia University, 1969. -- (Tut books ; L).
Singapore : the Japanese version / by Colonel Masanobu Tsuji ; translated by Margaret E. Lake ; edited by H.V. Howe. -- Constable and Co., 1962.
Singapore to freedom / by Oswald W. Gilmour. -- Ed. J. Burrow, [1946?].
Singapore, 1941-1942 / Louis Allen, c1977.
Sino-American relations, 1949-71 / documented and introduced by Roderick MacFarquhar. -- Praeger Publishers, c1972.
Sir George Sansom and Japan : a memoir / Katharine Sansom. -- Diplomatic Press, 1972.
Sittang : the last battle : the end of the Japanese in Burma, July-August 1945 / Louis Allen. -- Macdonald, 1973.
Six centuries in East Asia : China, Japan and Korea from the 14th century to 1912 / Peter Lum. -- S.G. Phillips, c1973.
Six lives, six deaths : portraits from modern Japan / Robert Jay Lifton, Shuichi Kato, and Michael R. Reich. -- : pbk. -- Yale University Press, c1979.
Slim, the standardbearer : a biography of Field-Marshal the Viscount Slim, KG, GCB, GCMG, GCVO, GBE, DSO, MC / by Ronald Lewin. -- Leo Cooper, 1976.
Snow country / by Yasunari Kawabata ; translated from the Japanese and with an introduction by Edward G. Seidensticker. -- Secker & Warburg, 1957.
Social change and the individual : Japan before and after defeat in World War II / by Kazuko Tsurumi. -- Princeton University Press, 1970.
Socialist parties in postwar Japan / Allan B. Cole, George O. Totten and Cecil H. Uyehara, with a contributed chapter by Roland P. Dore. -- Yale University Press, 1966. -- (Studies on Japan's social democratic parties ; vol. 2).
Sold for silver / Janet Lim. -- Collins, 1960, c1958. -- (Fontana books ; 437).
Soldiers' contribution to Indian independence / by Mohan Singh. -- pbk.. -- 3rd ed. -- Army Educational Stores, 1975.
Some aspects of Japan and her defence forces / by M.D. Kennedy. -- Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co..
Some aspects of Korean acculturation and value orientation since 1950 / by Felix Moos. -- International Studies, Center for East Asian Studies, The University of Kansas, [1965]. -- (East Asian series, reprint ; no. 4).
Some aspects of Park Chang No Kyo -- a Korean revitalization Movement / by Felix Moos. -- International Studies, Center for East Asian Studies, The University of Kansas, [1964]. -- (East Asian series, reprint ; no. 7).
Some foreign attitudes to Republican China / papers by Taichiro Mitani ...[et al.] ; edited by Ian Nish. -- International Centre for Economics and Related Disciplines, London School of Economics, [198-].
Some Japanese portraits / Donald Keene ; illustrations by Motoichi Izawa. -- : pbk, : ja. -- 1st ed. -- Kodansha International.
Sources in modern East Asian history and politics / Theodore McNelly. -- Appleton-Century-Crofts, c1967.
Sources of Japanese history / [compiled by] David John Lu. -- v. 1 - v. 2 : pbk. -- McGraw-Hill, c1974.
Sources of Japanese tradition / compiled by Ryusaku Tsunoda, Wm. Theodore de Bary [and] Donald Keene. -- Columbia University Press, 1958. -- (Records of civilization : sources and studies ; 54)(Introduction to oriental civilizations ; ).
Southeast Asia in United States policy / by Russell H. Fifield. -- Published for the Council on Foreign Relations by Praeger, 1963.
Soviet policy and the Chinese communists, 1931-1946 / by Charles B. McLane. -- Columbia University Press, 1958. -- (Studies of the Russian Institute ; ).
Soviet studies : a quarterly journal on the USSR and Eastern Europe / University of Glasgow. -- Vol. 1 (June 1949)-v. 44, no. 6 (1992). -- B. Blackwell, 1949-1992.
Spotlight on Singapore / by Denis Russell-Roberts. -- Times Press, 1965.
Stalin's failure in China, 1924-1927 / Conrad Brandt. -- Harvard University Press, 1958. -- (Russian Research Center studies ; 31).
Statistical handbook of Japan / Bureau of Statistics, Office of the Prime Minister. -- Bureau of Statistics, Office of the Prime Minister.
Stories (1925-1935) of a Japanese grandma / by Mayumi Banzai. -- Hokuseido Press, 1979.
Strength for the bridge / Jessie L. Beattie. -- McClelland and Stewart, c1966.
Studies in Japanese culture / edited by Joseph Roggendorf. -- Sophia University, 1963.
Studies in Zen / [by]Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki. -- Buddhist Society.
Studies on Asia / [edited by] Robert K. Sakai. -- 1960 - 1967. -- University of Nebraska Press, 1961-.
Su Man-shu (1884-1918) : a Sino-Japanese genius / by Henry McAleavy. -- China Society, 1960. -- (China Society sinological series ; no. 6).
Sun & steel / by Yukio Mishima ; translated by John Bester. -- Secker and Warburg, 1971, c1970.
Sun Yat-sen : his life and its meaning : a critical biography / by Lyon Sharman. -- : pbk. -- Stanford University Press, 1968, c1934.
Sunk : the story of the Japanese submarine fleet, 1942-1945 / Mochitsura Hashimoto ; translated by commander E.H.M. Colegrave. -- Hamilton & Co., 1955. -- (Panther books ; no. 509).
Sunrise synthesis : aspects of changing Japan / by Yasotaro Morri. -- Hokuseido Press, 1935.
Symposium on economic and social problems of the Far East : proceedings of a meeting held in September 1961 as part of the Golden Jubilee Congress of the University of Hong Kong / edited by E. F. Szczepanik. -- Hong Kong University Press, 1962.
Syonan : my story : the Japanese occupation of Singapore / Mamoru Shinozaki. -- Asia Pacific Press, 1975.
Soka Gakkai, builders of the third civilization : American and Japanese members / by James Allen Dator. -- University of Washington Press, 1969.
Tales of the foreign settlements in Japan / by Harold S. Williams ; decorations by Jean Williams. -- C.E. Tuttle, 1958.
Tanaka Giichi and Japan's China policy / William Fitch Morton. -- Dawson, 1980. -- (Studies / Columbia University. East Asian Institute ; ).
Teach yourself Japanese / C.J. Dunn and S. Yamada. -- English Universities Press, c1958. -- (Teach yourself books ; ).
Teachers and politics in Japan / by Donald R. Thurston. -- Princeton University Press, c1973. -- (Studies of the East Asian Institute ; ).
Tell me about Tokyo / by G. Caiger. -- Hokuseido Press, 1939.
Ten Japanese poets / translated by Hiroaki Sato. -- 1st ed.. -- Granite Publications, c1973. -- (A Granite poetry book ; ).
Ten weeks in Japan / by George Smith. -- Longman, Green, Longman and Roberts, 1861.
Ten years in Japan : a contemporary record drawn from the diaries and private and official papers of Joseph C. Grew, United States ambassador to Japan, 1932-1942 / foreword by Sir Robert G. Craigie. -- Hammond, Hammond, c1944.
Terry's Guide to the Japanese Empire : including Korea and Formosa, with chapters on Manchuria, the trans-Siberian railway, and the chief ocean routes to Japan : a handbook for travelers / by T. Philip Terry. -- Rev. ed. -- Houghton Mifflin.
The 30 September Movement in Indonesia / by Leslie Palmier. -- [S.n.], [1971].
The actors' analects : (Yakusha rongo) / edited, translated and with an introduction and notes by Charles J. Dunn and Bunzo Torigoe. -- University of Tokyo Press, 1969. -- (Unesco collection of representative works ; Japanese ser.).
The administration of Shanghai, 1905-1914 / Mark Elvin. -- [Stanford University Press], c1974.
The after hours : modern Japan and the search for enjoyment / David W. Plath. -- University of California Press, 1964.
The Ainu and their folk-lore / by the John Batchelor ; with one hundred and thirty-seven illustrations from photographs, and from sketches by the author. -- Religious Tract Society, 1901.
The allied campaign against Rabaul / the United States Strategic Bombing Survey (Pacific). -- Naval analysis division, Marshalls-Gilbert-New Britain party, 1946.
The amiable Prussian / by Charles Drage. -- Anthony Blond, c1958.
The anatomy of a small war : the Soviet-Japanese struggle for Changkufeng-Khasan, 1938 / by Alvin D. Coox ; foreword by Edwin O. Reischauer ; cartography by Dana Lombardy. -- Greenwood Press, 1977. -- (Contributions in military history ; no. 13).
The anatomy of dependence / Takeo Doi ; translated by John Bester. -- : pbk. -- 1st ed. -- Kodansha International.
The Anglo-Japanese alliance : the diplomacy of two island empires, 1894-1907 / by Ian H. Nish. -- Athlone Press, 1966. -- (University of London historical studies ; 18).
The art and architecture of Japan / Robert Treat Paine, Alexander Soper. -- Penguin Books, 1955. -- (The Pelican history of art ; Z8).
The Asian balance of power : a Japanese view / by Michio Royama. -- Institute for Strategic Studies, 1967. -- (Adelphi papers ; no. 42).
The atomic bomb and the end of World War II. -- [Rev. ed.]. -- Princeton University Press, 1966.
The Augustinians Seventeenth Century Japan / by Arnulf Hartmann, O.S.A.. -- [s.n.], 1965. -- (Cassiciacum ; v. 8. American ser.).
The autobiography of Fukuzawa Yukichi / translated by Eiichi Kiyooka ; with an introd. by Shinzo Koizumi. -- Hokuseido Press, 1960.
The autobiography of Fukuzawa Yukichi / translated by Eiichi Kiyooka ; with an introduction by Shinzo Koizumi. -- Hokuseido, 1934.
The Ainos / by David MacRitchie. -- P.W.M. Trap, 1892.
The ballad-drama of medieval Japan / James T. Araki. -- University of California Press, 1964.
The Battle for Leyte Gulf / C. Vann Woodward. -- Landsborough Publications, 1958. -- (A Four Square book ; 30).
The birth of Communist China / C.P. Fitzgerald. -- Penguin Books, 1964. -- (Pelican original A694).
The brilliant life of Munetada Kurozumi : a philosopher and worshipper of the Sun / Taisen Nobuhara ; [translator, Tsukasa Sakai, Kazuko Sasage]. -- East West Publications, c1980.
The British in Vietnam : how the twenty-five-year war began / George Rosie. -- Panther Books, c1970. -- (A Panther book ; ).
The British press and the Japanese-British exhibition, no. 1-4. -- Imperial Japanese Commission, 1910-1911.
The broader way : a woman's life in the new Japan / Sumie Seo Mishima. -- Victor Gollancz, 1954.
The bronze Christ / Yoshiro Nagayo ; translated by Kenzoh Yada and Henry P. Ward. -- Taplinger Pub. Co., 1959.
The Buddha : Buddhist civilization in India and Ceylon / Trevor Ling. -- Penguin, 1976. -- (Pelican books ; A1894).
The campaign in Burma / prepared for South-East Asia Command by the Central Office of Information. -- His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1946.
The capital of the Tycoon : a narrative of a three years' residence in Japan / by Sir Rutherford Alcock. -- v. 1, v. 2. -- Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green, 1863.
The catalpa bow : a study of shamanistic practices in Japan / Carmen Blacker. -- Allen & Unwin, 1975.
The challenge of kabuki : Canadian Academy on stage / by Mitsuko Unno ; translated by Ann B. Cary. -- 1st ed. -- Japan Times, 1979.
The Chinese chameleon : an analysis of European conceptions of Chinese civilization / Raymond Dawson. -- Oxford University Press, 1967.
The Chinese People's Liberation Army / [by] Samuel B. Griffith, II. -- Published for the Council on Foreign Relations by McGraw-Hill, c1967. -- (The United States and China in world affairs ; ).
The Chinese Youth Party, 1923-1945 / Chan Lau Kit-ching. -- Centre of Asian Studies, University of Hong Kong, 1972. -- (Centre of Asian Studies occasional papers and monographs ; no. 9).
The Christian century in Japan, 1549-1650 / by C.R. Boxer. -- University of California Press, 1967, c1951.
The chrysanthemum and the sword : patterns of Japanese culture / by Ruth Benedict. -- Houghton Mifflin, c1946.
The climate of Japan and its influences on the Japanese people / by Takematsu Okada. -- Kokusai Bunka Shinkokai, 1936. -- (K.B.S. publication series ; B, no. 18).
The coal industry in Mainland China since 1949 / by D.I. Dwyer. -- W. Clowes, [1963].
The coming of the barbarians : a story of Western settlement in Japan, 1853-1870 / Pat Barr. -- Macmillan, 1967.
The communist insurrection in Malaya, 1948-1960 / Anthony Short. -- Muller, 1975.
The Constitution of Japan, its first twenty years, 1947-67 / edited by Dan Fenno Henderson. -- University of Washington Press, c1968. -- (Asian law series / School of Law University of Washington ; no. 1).
The custom house / Francis King. -- Longmans, Green, 1961.
The damned inheritance : the Soviet Union and the Manchurian crises, 1924-1935. -- Diplomatic Press, [1974].
The d'Anethan dispatches from Japan, 1894-1910 : the observations of Baron Albert d'Anethan, Belgian Minister Plenipotentiary and dean of the diplomatic corps / selected, translated, and edited, with a historical introduction by George Alexander Lensen. -- Sophia University.
The death of the dragon / Sakyo Komatsu ; translated from the Japanese by Michael Gallagher. -- 1st pbk. ed. -- New English Library, 1978, c1976.
The decay of the angel / Yukio Mishima ; translated from the Japanese by Edward G. Seidensticker. -- Secker and Warburg, 1975, c1974.
The Deer Cry Pavilion : a story of Westerners in Japan 1868-1905 / Pat Barr. -- Macmillan, 1968.
The development of Japanese business, 1600-1973 / Johannes Hirschmeier and Tsunehiko Yui. -- Allen & Unwin, 1975.
The development of Japanese studies in Southeast Asia : proceedings of the Fourth Leverhulme Conference, March 10-15, 1969 / edited by Frank H.H. King. -- Centre of Asian Studies, University of Hong Kong, 1969.
The Diplomacy of Japan, 1894-1922 / Morinosuke Kajima. -- v. 1, v. 2, v. 3. -- 1st ed. -- Kajima Institute of International Peace, 1976-1980.
The Dutch impact on Japan (1640-1853) / by Grant Kohn Goodman. -- E.J. Brill, 1967. -- (Monographies du T'oung pao ; v. 5).
The emerging Japanese superstate : challenge and response / Herman kahn. -- Andre Deutsch, 1971, c1970.
The emperor's guest, 1942-45 / John Fletcher-Cooke. -- Leo Cooper, 1972.
The empty mirror : experiences in a Japanese Zen monastery / Janwillem van de Wetering. -- Routledge & K. Paul, 1973.
The end of the war in Asia / [by] Louis Allen. -- Hart-Davis MacGibbon, 1976.
The enduring art of Japan / langdon Warner. -- Grove Press, c1952. -- (An Evergreen book ; E-97).
The estrangement of Great Britain and Japan, 1917-35 / by Malcolm D. Kennedy. -- Manchester University Press, c1969.
The eternal Japan : conversations with Sazo Idemitsu. -- Idemitsu], c1975.
The face of the beloved : a doctor's tale of the Far East / Trevor Westwood. -- G. Allen & Unwin, 1962.
The factory ship ; and, The absentee landlord / by Takiji Kobayashi ; translated by Frank Motofuji. -- University of Tokyo Press, c1973. -- (Unesco collection of representative works ; Japanese ser.).
The failure of freedom : a portrait of modern Japanese intellectuals / Tatsuo Arima. -- Harvard University Press, 1969. -- (Harvard East Asian series ; 39).
The fall of Hong Kong / Tim Carew. -- Pan Books, 1963. -- (Pan books ; X175).
The fall of Japan / William Craig. -- Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1968.
The fall of shiroyama (the last phase of Saigo the humanist) / by Moriaki Sakamoto. -- pt. 2. -- Kagoshima University, 1963.
The Far East at the end of the First World War / Geoffrey Hudson. -- Weidenfeld and Nicolson, c1969.
The Far East in the modern world / Franz H. Michael and George E. Taylor. -- Henry Holt.
The Far Eastern crisis : recollections and observations / by Henry L. Stimson. -- Harper, 1936.
The final declaration of the Geneva Conference on Indo-China, 1954 / by G.F. Hudson. -- Oxford University Press, c1967. -- (St. Antony's papers ; no. 20 . Far Eastern affairs ; no. 4).
The first Englishman in Japan : the story of Will. Adams / by P.G. Rogers ; foreword by Edmund Blunden. -- Harvill Press, 1956.
The fleet that had to die / Richard Hough. -- Four Square Books, 1961. -- (Four Square books ; 26).
The flowery sword : travels in Japan / Ethel Mannin. -- Hutchinson, 1960.
The foundations of Japan : notes made during journeys of 6,000 miles in the rural districts as a basis for a sounder knowledge of the Japanese people / by J.W. Robertson Scott. -- John Murray, 1922.
The founding of the Kamakura Shogunate, 1180-1185 : with selected translations from the 'Azuma kagami' / Minoru Shinoda. -- Columbia University Press. -- (Records of civilization : sources and studies ; no. 57).
The fragile blossom : crisis and change in Japan / by Zbigniew Brzezinski. -- 1st Harper Torchbook ed. -- Harper and Row, 1972. -- (Harper torchbooks ; TB1698).
The freedom of the seas : historically treated / by Francis Taylor Piggott. -- H. M. Stationery Office, 1920. -- (Handbooks prepared under the direction of the Historical Section of the Foreign Office ; no. 148).
The Garter mission to Japan / by Lord Redesdale. -- Macmillan, 1906.
The glass curtain between Asia and Europe : a symposium on the historical encounters and the changing attitudes of the peoples of the East and the West / edited by Raghavan Iyer ; with a foreword by the Dalai Lama. -- Oxford University Press, c1965.
The golden country : a play / by Shusaku Endo ; translated by Francis Mathy. -- C.E. Tuttle Co., 1970. -- (Library of Japanese literature ; )(Tut books ; D).
The government of Japan / by Ardath W. Burks. -- Methuen, 1966. -- (University paperbacks ; up168).
The great empress dowager of China / by Philip W. Sergeant. -- [s.n.], [1910].
The growth of civilization in East Asia : China, Japan, and Korea before the 14th century / by Peter Lum. -- S. G. Phillips, c1969.
The growth rate of the Japanese economy since 1878 / Kazushi Ohkawa ; in association with M. Shinohara ... [et al.]. -- Kinokuniya, c1957. -- (Economic research series / Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University ; series 1).
The heart of Japan / Alexander Campbell. -- Longmans, 1962, c1961.
The heritage of Japanese art / by Noma Seiroku. -- 1st ed. -- Kokusai Bunka Shinkokai, 1967.
The history of Japan : together with a description of the Kingdom of Siam, 1690-92 / by Engelbert Kaempfer ; and translated by J.G. Scheuchzer. -- v. 1, v. 2, v. 3. -- J. MacLehose, 1906.
The I ching : or Book of changes / the Richard Wilhelm translation rendered into English by Cary F. Baynes; foreword by C. G. Jung; preface to the third edition by Hellmut Wilhelm. -- 3rd ed. -- Routledge & K. Paul, 1968.
The identity of the great conqueror Genghis Khan : with the Japanese hero Yoshitsune : an historical thesis / by K. Suyematz. -- W.H. and L. Collingridge, 1879.
The illustrated history of the Russo-Japanese War / J.N. Westwood. -- Sidgwick & Jackson, c1973.
The image of Japan : from feudal isolation to world power, 1850-1905 / Jean-Pierre Lehmann. -- Allen & Unwin, 1978.
The imperial family of Japan : giving the lineage of the oldest dynasty in the world / by Richard Ponsonby. -- Japan Chronicle, 大正6 [1917].
The Imperial Hotel : Frank Lloyd Wright and the architecture of unity / by Cary James. -- C.E. Tuttle, c1968.
The Imperial Hotel story / by Hessell Tiltman. -- [Tokyo Imperial Hotel], 1964.
The Indian National Army : second front of the Indian independence movement / [by] K. K. Ghosh. -- Meenakshi Prakashan, 1969.
The Indian National Army--motives, problems and significance / Kalyan Kumar Ghosh. -- [S.n.], [1969].
The Inland Sea / by Donald Richie ; with photographs by Yoichi Midorikawa. -- 1st ed. -- Weatherhill, 1971.
The Japan Expedition, 1852-1854 : the personal journal of Commodore Matthew C. Perry / edited by Roger Pineau ; with an introduction by Samuel Eliot Morison. -- Smithsonian Institution Press, c1968. -- (Smithsonian Institution publication ; 4743).
The Japan experience / edited, with an introduction, by Ronald Bell. -- 1st ed. -- Weatherhill, 1973.
The Japan of today. -- International Society for Educational Information, 1971.
The Japan reader / edited, annotated, and with introductions by Jon Livingston, Joe Moore, and Felicia Oldfather. -- v. 1, v. 2. -- Penguin Books, 1976, c1973. -- (Pelican books ; ).
The Japan year book / Foreign Affairs Association of Japan. -- 1933 (1933)-. -- The Association, 1933-.
The Japan-China phenomenon : conflict or compatibility? / Shuichi Kato ; with an introduction by Arnold Toynbee ; translated from the Japanese by David Chibbett. -- Paul Norbury Publications, 1974.
The Japanese / Edwin O. Reischauer. -- : pbk.. -- Belknap Press, c1977.
The Japanese and Sun Yat-sen / Marius B. Jansen. -- Harvard University Press, 1954. -- (Harvard historical monographs ; 27).
The Japanese and the Jews / by Isaiah Ben-Dasan ; translated from the Japanese by Richard L. Gage. -- 1st English ed. -- Weatherhill, 1972.
The Japanese challenge / Robert Guillain ; translated from the French by Patrick O'Brian. -- H. Hamilton, 1970, c1969.
The Japanese character : a cultural profile / by Nyozekan Hasegawa ; translated by John Bester. -- Kodansha International, 1966.
The Japanese city : a sociological analysis / by Takeo Yazaki. -- Japan Publications Trading Co., c1963.
The Japanese Communist movement, 1920-1966 / Robert A. Scalapino. -- University of California Press, c1967.
The Japanese Communist Party 1922-1945 / by George M. Beckman & Okubo Genji. -- Stanford University Press, 1969.
The Japanese discovery of Europe : Honda Toshiaki and other discoverers, 1720-1798 / by Donald Keene. -- Routledge and K. Paul, 1952.
The Japanese economy / G.C. Allen. -- : pbk. -- Weidenfeld and Nicolson, c1981. -- (The International economies series ; ).
The Japanese Empire : its physical, political, and social condition and history : with details of the late American and British expeditions / S. B. Kemish. -- Partridge, 1860.
The Japanese enlightenment : a study of the writings of Fukuzawa Yukichi / by Carmen Blacker. -- University Press, 1964. -- (University of Cambridge oriental publications ; no. 10).
The Japanese enthronement ceremonies : with an account of the imperial regalia / by D.C. Holtom. -- Sophia University, c1972. -- (Monumenta Nipponica monographs ; ).
The Japanese factory : aspects of its social organization / by James C. Abegglen. -- Asia Publishing House, c1958.
The Japanese family storehouse, or, The millionaires gospel modernised = Nippon Eitai-Gura, or, Daifuku Shin Choja Kyo (1688) / Ihara Saikaku ; translated from the Japanese with introduction and commentary by G.W. Sargent. -- At the University Press, 1959. -- (University of Cambridge oriental publications ; no. 3).
The Japanese imperial institution in the Tokugawa period / Herschel Webb. -- Columbia University Press, 1968. -- (Studies of the East Asian Institute ; ).
The Japanese letters of Lafcadio Hearn / edited with an introduction by Elizabeth Bisland. -- Constable & Co., 1911, c1910.
The Japanese miracle and peril / Willard Price. -- Heinemann, 1971.
The Japanese miracle men / Ralph Hewins. -- Secker & Warburg, 1967.
The Japanese nation, its land, its people, and its life ; The intercourse between the United States and Japan / Inazo Nitobe. -- University of Tokyo Press, 1972. -- (The works of Inazo Nitobe ; v. 2).
The Japanese oligarchy and the Russo-Japanese War / by Shumpei Okamoto. -- Columbia University Press, 1970.
The Japanese people : origins of the people and the language / by Isao Komatsu. -- Kokusai Bunka Shinkokai, 1962. -- (Series on Japanese life and culture ; v.1).
The Japanese press. -- Japan Newspaper Publishers and Editors Association.
The Japanese print : a new approach / J. Hillier. -- G. Bell, c1960.
The Japanese seizure of Korea, 1868-1910 : a study of realism and idealism in international relations / by Hilary Conroy. -- University of Pennsylvania Press, c1960.
The Japanese socialist party and neutralism : a study of political party and its foreign policy / J.A.A. Stockwin. -- Melbourne University Press.
The Japanese technocracy : management and government in Japan / by Marshall E. Dimock. -- 1st ed. -- Weatherhill, 1968.
The Japanese thrust into Siberia, 1918 / by James William Morley. -- Columbia University Press, 1957, c1954. -- (Studies of the Russian Institute ; ).
The Japanese war machine / edited by S. L. Mayer. -- Bison Books, c1976.
The Japanese working man : what choice? : what reward? / by Ernest van Helvoort. -- Paul Norbury Publications, 1979.
The John Doe Associates : backdoor diplomacy for peace, 1941 / R.C. Butow. -- Stanford University Press, 1974.
The Johnnies / by Sir Goeffrey Evans. -- Cassell, 1964.
The journey / by Jiro Osaragi ; translated from the Japanese by Ivan Morris. -- 1st American ed.. -- A.A. Knopf, 1960.
The key / Junichiro Tanizaki ; translated from the Japanese by Howard Hibbett. -- C.E. Tuttle, 1971. -- (Tut books ; L).
The kimono mind : an informal guide to Japan and the Japanese / by Bernard Rudofsky. -- V. Gollancz, 1965.
The Kokin Waka-shu : the 10th century anthology / edited by the Imperial edict ; translated by H.H. Honda. -- Hokuseido Press, 1970.
The Korean war : the story of the fighting Commonwealth regiments / Tim Carew. -- Pan Books, 1970.
The Kuril Islands : Russo-Japanese frontier in the Pacific / by John J. Stephan. -- Clarendon Press, 1974.
The last country : my years in Japan / E.W.F. Tomlin. -- Faber & Faber, 1974.
The last Japanese soldier : Corporal Yokoi's 28 incredible years in the Guam jungle / [by a special research team from the Sankei Shimbun newspaper, Tokyo] ; translated by Ruri Corley Smith ; with an introduction by Russell Bradddon. -- Tom Stacey, 1972.
The last Manchu : the autobiography of Henry Pu Yi, last Emperor of China / edited, with an introd. by Paul Kramer ; translated by Kuo Ying Paul Tsai. -- Barker, c1967.
The Legacy of China / edited by Raymond Dawson. -- Clarendon Press, 1964.
The legends of Tono / by Kunio Yanagita ; translated, with an introduction, by Ronald A. Morse. -- Japan Foundation, c1975. -- (Japan Foundation translation series ; ).
The life and death of Yukio Mishima / by Henry Scott-Stokes. -- Farrar, Straus and Giroux, c1974.
The limits of foreign policy : the West, the League and the Far Eastern crisis of 1931-1933 / Christopher Thorne. -- Hamilton, 1972.
The maker of modern Japan : the life of Tokugawa Ieyasu / A.L. Sadler. -- G. Allen & Unwin, 1937.
The making of South East Asia / by G. Coedes ; translated from the French by H.M. Wright. -- Routledge & K. Paul, c1966.
The making of the Meiji Constitution : the oligarchs and the constitutional n development of Japan, 1868-1891 / George M. Beckmann ; Forward by Harold S. Quigley. -- University of Kansas Press, 1957.
The Makioka sisters / Junichiro Tanizaki ; translated from the Japanese by Edward G. Seidensticker. -- Secker & Warburg, 1958.
The march of death / Stanley L. Falk. -- R. Hale, 1964.
The march of Japan / by Edgar Lajtha. -- F.A. Stokes, [1936].
The May Fourth Movement : intellectual revolution in modern China / Chow Tse-tsung. -- : pbk. -- Harvard University Press, c1960. -- (Harvard East Asian series ; no. 6).
The medieval Japanese daimyo : the Ouchi family's rule of Suo and Nagato / Peter Judd Arnesen. -- Yale University Press, 1979. -- (Yale historical publications ; Miscellany ; 122).
The Meiji restoration / W.G. Beasley. -- Stanford University Press, 1972.
The middle yangtse in T'ang politics / Wang Gungwu. -- Yale University Press, c1973. -- (An offprint from Perspectives on the T'ang / edited by Arthur F. Wright and Denis Twitchett ; 6).
The Mikado's Empire / by William Elliot Griffis. -- [2nd ed.]. -- Harper & Bros., [1877].
The Military balance : 1969-1970. -- Institute for Strategic Studies, c1969.
The military side of Japanese life / by M.D. Kennedy. -- Constable, 1924.
The modern history of Japan / W.G. Beasley. -- Weidenfeld and Nicolson, c1963. -- (The Weidenfeld & Nicolson Asia-Africa series ; ).
The modern reader's Japanese-English character dictionary = 最新漢英辞典 / Andrew Nathaniel Nelson. -- Rev. ed. -- C.E. Tuttle Co, 1966, c1962.
The modern reader's Japanese-English character dictionary = 最新漢英辞典 / by Andrew Nathaniel Nelson. -- 1st ed.. -- C.E. Tuttle, 1962.
The naked sun / Ted Willis. -- Macmillan, 1980.
The narrow road to the deep north, and other travel sketches / Basho ; translated from the Japanese with an introduction by Nobuyuki Yuasa. -- Penguin, 1966. -- (Penguin classics ; L185).
The national faith of Japan : a study in modern Shinto / by D.C. Holtom. -- Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1938.
The nature of provincial political authority in late Ch'ing times : Chang Chih-tung in Canton, 1884-1889 / by Daniel H. Bays. -- International Studies, Center for East Asian Studies, The University of Kansas, [1970]. -- (East Asian series, reprint ; no. 11).
The Netherlands Indies and Japan : their relations, 1940-1941 / by H. J. van Mook. -- G. Allen & Unwin, 1944.
The new Far East / by Arthur Di穆y ; with illustrations from special designs by Kubota Beisen. -- 4th ed.. -- Cassell, 1904.
The new generation in Meiji Japan : problems of cultural identity, 1885-1895 / Kenneth B. Pyle. -- Stanford University Press, 1969.
The new Japan : government and politics / Harold S. Quigley and John E. Turner. -- University of Minnesota Press, c1956.
The new Japan : impressions and reflections / by James H. Cousins. -- Ganesh, 1923.
The new religions of Japan / Harry Thomsen. -- C.E.Tuttle, 1963.
The nightless city, or, The "history of the Yoshiwara Yukwaku" / by J.E. de Becker. -- 2nd ed.. -- Max Nヨssler, 1905.12.
The nightside of Japan / by T. Fujimoto. -- T.W. Laurie, [1915?].
The nine magazines of Kodansha : the autobiography of a Japanese publisher / by Seiji Noma. -- Methuen, 1934.
The nobility of failure : tragic heroes in the history of Japan / Ivan Morris. -- Secker and Warburg, 1975.
The Noh drama : ten plays from the Japanese / selected and translated by the Special Noh Committee, Japanese Classics Translation Committee, Nippon Gakujutsu Shinkokai. -- 1st Tuttle ed. -- C.E. Tuttle, c1955. -- (UNESCO collection of representative works ; Japanese ser).
The occupation of Japan : second phase, 1948-50 / Robert A. Fearey. -- Macmillan, 1950.
The Okinawa problem : a chapter in Japan-U.S. relations / Akio Watanabe. -- Melbourne University Press, 1970.
The old and the new in Japan = Altes und neues in Japan = L'ancien et le moderne au Japon = Lo antiguo y lo moderno en Japon / Bank of Tokyo. -- Bank of Tokyo, 1964.
The Omi brotherhood in Nippon : a brief history of "the Omi Mission" founded in Omi-Hachiman, Japan, in 1905 / by Wm. Merrell Vories. -- 3rd ed.. -- Omi Brotherhood Book Dept., 1936.
The origins of entrepreneurship in Meiji Japan / Johannes Hirschmeier. -- Harvard University Press, c1964. -- (Harvard East Asian series ; no. 17).
The Origins of the Cold War in Asia / edited by Yonosuke Nagai [and] Akira Iriye. -- Columbia University Press.
The Pacific rivals : a Japanese view of Japanese-American relations / by the staff of the Asahi Shimbun ; with a foreword by Edwin O. Reischauer. -- 1st ed. -- Weatherhill/Asahi, 1972.
The Pacific War : World War II and the Japanese, 1931-1945 / by Saburo Ienaga. -- 1st American ed. -- Pantheon Books, c1978. -- (The Pantheon Asia library : new approaches to the new Asia ; ).
The partition of India 1947 / by C.H. Philips. -- Leeds University Press, 1967. -- (Montague Burton lecture on international relations ; 24).
The pattern of the Chinese past / Mark Elvin. -- Eyre Methuen, c1973.
The Penguin book of Japanese verse / translated with an introduction by Geoffrey Bownas and Anthony Thwaite. -- : pbk. -- Penguin Books, 1964. -- (The Penguin poets ; D77).
The people of Japan / Pearl S. Buck ; photographs by Stuart Fox. -- Robert Hale, 1968.
The Philippine political party system / by Carl H. Lande. -- International Studies, Center for East Asian Studies, The University of Kansas, [1967]. -- (East Asian series, reprint ; no. 5).
The phoenix cup : some notes on Japan in 1946 / by John Morris. -- Cresset Press, 1947.
The political condition of Japan : showing the despotism and incompetency of the cabinet and the aims of the popular parties / by Tatsui Baba. -- 明治文化研究会, [1956?].
The political culture of Japan / [by] Bradley M. Richardson. -- University of California Press, [1974].
The political development of Japan, 1867-1909 / by George Etsujiro Uyehara. -- Constable & Co., 1910. -- (Studies in economics and political science ; ).
The political process and foreign policy : the making of the Japanese peace settlement / by Bernard C. Cohen. -- Princeton University Press, 1957.
The political writings of Ogyu Sorai / by J.R. McEwan. -- Cambridge University Press, 1962. -- (University of Cambridge oriental publications ; no. 7).
The politics of Korean nationalism / Chong-Sik Lee. -- University of California Press, 1963.
The press in Japan today-- : a case study / by Edward P. Whittemore. -- University of South Carolina Press, 1961. -- (Studies in international affairs ; no. 1).
The priest and his disciples : a play / by Kurata Hyakuzo ; translated from the japanese by Glenn W. Shaw. -- E. Benn, 1927.
The problems of the emperor system in postwar Japan : surveyed from an examination of arguments on the subject / by Genji Okubo. -- Nihon Taiheiyo Mondai Chosakai, 1948. -- (Pacific studies series ; ).
The rebel-reformer and modern Chinese biography / Wang Gungwu. -- Sydney University Press for the Australian Academy of the Humanities.
The re-emergence of China : a paper read to the University of Otago Extension Foreign Policy School, May 1973 / Wang Gungwu. -- New Zealand Institute of International Affairs, 1973. -- (NZIIA pamphlets ; 26).
The relationship between literature and politics in Japan, 1931-1945 / by Yoshio Iwamoto. -- U.M.I. (University Microfilms International) Dissertation Information Service, c1964.
The religion of the Samurai : a study of Zen philosophy and discipline in China and Japan / by Kaiten Nukariya. -- : pbk. -- Luzac, 1973. -- (Luzac's oriental religions series ; v. 4).
The Republic of Korea : a political and economic study / W.D. Reeve. -- Oxford University Press, 1963.
The re-shaping of the Far East / by B.L. Putnam Weale. -- v. 1, v. 2. -- Macmillan, 1905.
The revolutionary origins of modern Japan / Thomas M. Huber. -- : cloth, : pbk.. -- Stanford University Press, 1981.
The revoval of pure shi-tau / by E.M. Satow. -- [Japanese Secretary to H.B.M. Legation], [1878-1882]. -- (Appendix ; v. 3).
The riddle of MacArthur, Japan, Korea and the Far East / by John Gunther. -- H. Hamilton, 1951.
The rise and development of Japan's modern economy : the basis for "miraculous" growth / Kamekichi Takahashi ; translated by John Lynch. -- Jiji Tsushinsha (Jiji Press), 1969.
The rise of a pagan state : Japan's religious background / by A. Morgan Young. -- G. Allen & Unwin, 1939.
The rise of modern Japan / Peter Duus ; [maps by Richard Sanderson]. -- Houghton Mifflin, c1976.
The rising sun : the decline and fall of the Japanese Empire, 1936-1945 / John Toland. -- Cassell, 1971.
The road past Mandalay : a personal narrative / John Masters. -- M. Joseph, 1961.
The Russian push toward Japan : Russo-Japanese relations, 1697-1875 / by George Alexander Lensen. -- Princeton University Press, 1959.
The samurai / by H. Paul Varley, with Ivan & Nobuko Morris. -- Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1970. -- (Pageant of history ; ).
The samurai : a military history / S.R. Turnbull. -- Osprey Pub., 1977.
The search for authenticity in modern Japanese literature / Hisaaki Yamanouchi. -- Cambridge University Press, 1978.
The secret and sublime: Taoist mysteries and magic / by John Blofeld. -- pbk.. -- Allen & Unwin, 1973.
The secret memoirs of Count Tadasu Hayashi, G.C.V.O. / edited by A.M. Pooley. -- Eveleigh Nash, 1915.
The senior John Samuel Swire, 1825-98 : management in Far Eastern shipping trades / [by] Sheila Marriner and Francis E. Hyde. -- Liverpool U.P., 1967.
The Shin kokinshu : the 13th-century anthology edited by Imperial edict / translated by H.H. Honda. -- Hokuseido Press, 1970.
The shoji : Japanese interiors and silhouettes / by Kikou Yamata ; [translated from the French by J. and S.F. Mills Whitham]. -- G. Routledge & Sons, 1928. -- (The Golden dragon library ; ).
The short victorious war : the Russo-Japanese conflict, 1904-5 / David Walder. -- Hutchinson, 1973.
The siege at Peking / Peter Flemimg. -- Hart-Davis, 1959.
The Singapore story / Kenneth Attiwill. -- Transworld, 1961. -- (Corgi books ; no. 978).
The Sino-Japanese conflict : a short survey. -- Foreign Affairs Association of Japan, 1937].
The social democratic movement in prewar Japan / George Oakley Totten. -- Yale University Press, c1966. -- (Studies on Japan's social democratic parties ; v. 1).
The social framework of the Japanese economy : an introduction to economics / J. R. Hicks and Nobuko Nosse. -- Oxford University Press, 1974. -- (Oxford in Asia college texts ; ).
The Sokagakkai. -- Rev. and enl. ed.. -- Seikyo Press, 1962.
The son of heaven : the problem of the Mikado / by Willard Price. -- W. Heinemann, 1945.
The Sorai and Dazai affair a tale of two Japanese sinolaters / Sajja A. Prasad. -- Samudraiah Prakashan, c1978. -- (Studies in sinological sex, religion, racism and nationalism ; vol. 1 . The patoriotism : thesis and argument in Tokugawa Japan including some shinto strictures on Buddhist treason and China sinologist sinology ; pt. 2).
The Southern barbarians : the first Europeans in Japan / Michael Cooper ... [et al.] ; edited by Michael Cooper. -- 1st ed.. -- Kodansha International in cooperation with Sophia University, 1971.
The spoilage : Japanese-American evacuation and resettlement during World War II / by Dorothy Swaine Thomas and Richard S. Nishimoto ; with contributions by Rosalie A. Hankey ... [et al.]. -- University of California Press, 1969.
The story of Burma / by F. Tennyson Jesse. -- Macmillan, 1946.
The story of Japan / by Ian Nish. -- Faber, c1968.
The strange neutrality : Soviet-Japanese relations during the Second World War, 1941-1945 / George Alexander Lensen. -- Diplomatic Press, c1972.
The surgeon's log : impressions of the Far East / by J. Johnston Abraham. -- Penguin, c1936. -- (Penguin books ; ).
The Taiheiki : a chronicle of medieval Japan / translated, with an introduction and notes by Helen Craig McCullough. -- Columbia University Press, 1959. -- (Records of civilization : sources and studies ; no. 59).
The tale of Genji : a novel in six parts / by Lady Murasaki ; translated from the Japanese by Arthur Waley. -- : set, v. 1, v. 2. -- 1st Tuttle ed. -- C.E. Tuttle, 1970. -- (Tut books ; L)(Unesco collection of representative works . Japanese series).
The three-cornered world / Soseki Natsume ; translated by Alan Turney. -- : pbk. -- 1st Tuttle ed. -- C.E. Tuttle, 1968, c1965. -- (Tut books ; L)(Unesco collection of representative works . Japanese series).
The tide at sunrise : a history of the Russo-Japanese War, 1904-1905 / by Denis and Peggy Warner. -- Angus and Robertson, 1975, c1974.
The time bomb : a veteran journalist assesses today's China from the inside / by Norman Barrymaine. -- Readers Union, 1972, c1971.
The Tokyo trials : a functional index to the "Proceedings of the International Military Tribunal for the Far East" / compiled by Paul S. Dull and Michael Takaaki Umemura. -- Michigan University Press, 1957. -- (Center for Japanese Studies occasional papers ; no. 6).
The Toynbee-Ikeda dialogue : man himself must choose / Arnold J. Toynbee, Daisaku Ikeda. -- 1st ed. -- Kodansha International.
The tragedy of the Chinese revolution / by Harold R. Isaacs. -- Rev. ed. -- Stanford University Press, 1951.
The troubled encounter : the United States and Japan / Charles E. Neu. -- pbk.. -- Wiley, c1975. -- (America and the world ; ).
The Truman-MacArthur controversy and the Korean War / John W. Spanier. -- Belknap Press, 1959.
The Union of Burma : a study of the first years of independence / by Hugh Tinker. -- 4th ed. -- issued under the auspices of the Royal Institute of International Affairs by Oxford U.P., 1967.
The United States and East Asia / Richard W. Van Alstyne. -- pbk.. -- Thames & Hudson, c1973. -- (Library of world civilization ; ).
The United States and Japan / by Edwin O. Reischauer. -- 3rd ed. -- Harvard University Press, 1965. -- (The American foreign policy library ; ).
The United States and Japan / by Edwin O. Reischauer. -- Harvard University Press, 1950. -- (The American foreign policy library ; ).
The United States and Japan / edited by Herbert Passin. -- Prentice-Hall, 1966. -- (A Spectrum book ; S-AA-16).
The United States and the Far East. -- Final ed.. -- American Assembly, Graduate School of Business, Columbia University, 1956.
The vision of Asia : an interpretation of Chinese art and culture / L. Cranmer-Byng ; with a foreword by the Rt. Hon. R.A. Butler. -- Readers Union with John Murray, 1948.
The Vladimirov diaries : Yenan, China, 1942-1945 / Peter Vladimirov ;. -- Hale, c1976.
The voices and hands of bunraku / Barbara Adachi ; introduction by Donald Keene, 1978.
The voyage of the Lucky Dragon / Ralph E. Lapp. -- Penguin, 1958. -- (Penguin special ; S172).
The war in the Far East, 1904-1905 / by the military correspondent of The Times ; with numerous maps and plans by Percy Fisher. -- J. Murray, 1905.
The war with Japan : a concise history / Charles Bateson. -- Barrie & Rockliff, Cresset P., 1968.
The wayfarer / Soseki Natsume ; translated from the Japanese with an introduction by Beongcheon Yu. -- C.E. Tuttle, 1969, c1967. -- (Tut books ; L).
The week before Pearl Harbour / by A.A. Hoehling. -- R. Hale, 1964.
The West in Asia, 1850-1914 / Michael Edwardes. -- B.T. Batsford, c1967.
The Western world and Japan / by G.B. Sansom. -- Cresset Press, 1950. -- (The Cresset historical series ; ).
The wisdom of Buddhism / edited by Christmas Humphreys. -- M. Joseph, 1960.
The wise bamboo / J. Malcolm Morris. -- M. Joseph, 1954.
The world beyond Europe : an introduction to the history of Africa, India, Southeast Asia, and the Far East / George Alexander Lensen. -- Houghton Mifflin, c1960.
The world of the shining prince : court life in Ancient Japan / Ivan Morris. -- Oxford U.P, 1964.
The Yoshida memoirs : the story of Japan in crisis / by Shigeru Yoshida ; translated by Ken'ichi Yoshida. -- Heinemann, 1961.
The young prince / by Nagai Hyosai ; translated by Victor Otake. -- Ritsumeikan Press, 1937.
The Onin War : history of its origins and background with a selective translation of the Chronicle of Onin / by H. Paul Varley. -- Columbia University Press, 1967. -- (Studies in Oriental culture ; no. 1).
Theodore Roosevelt and Japan / Raymond A. Esthus. -- University of Washington Press, c1966.
Theology of the pain of God / by Kazoh Kitamori. -- SCM Press, 1966, c1965.
These horned islands : a journal of Japan / by James Kirkup. -- Collins, c1962.
They came to Japan : an anthology of European reports on Japan 1543-1640 / edited by Michael Cooper. -- Thames & Hudson, 1965.
Things Japanese : being notes on various subjects connected with Japan, for the use of travelers and others / by Basil Hall Chamberlain. -- 5th ed. rev.. -- Murray, 1905.
This singular country : Victorian perceptions of Japan in the 1860's / Yokoyama Toshio. -- Zinbun Kagaku Kenkyusyo, Kyoto University, 1979.
This war against Japan : Thoughts on the present conflict in the far east / by Ian Morrison. -- Faber and Faber, 1943.
Thought and behavior in modern Japanese politics / Masao Maruyama. -- Expanded ed.. -- Oxford University Press, [1969]. -- (A galaxy book ; 291).
Thought and behaviour in modern Japanese politics / by Masao Maruyama ; edited by Ivan Morris. -- Oxford University Press, 1963.
Thought control in prewar Japan / Richard H. Mitchell. -- Cornell University Press, 1976.
Thought reform of the Chinese intellectuals / by Theodore H.E. Chen. -- Hong Kong University Press, 1960.
Thousand cranes / Yasunari Kawabata ; translated by Edward G. Seidensticker. -- : pbk. -- C.E. Tuttle, c1958.
Through Japanese barbed wire : a thousand-mile trek from a Japanese Prison Camp / Gwen Priestwood. -- George G. Harrap, 1944.
Time of fallen blossoms / Allan S. Clifton. -- Cassell, 1950.
To the distant observer : form and meaning in the Japanese cinema / Noメl Burch ; revised and edited by Annette Michelson. -- Scolar Press, 1979.
Tojo : the last banzai / by Countney Browne. -- Angus & Robertson, 1967.
Tojo and the coming of the war / Robert Joseph Charles Butow. -- Princeton University Press, 1961.
Tokugawa religion : the values of pre-industrial Japan / by Robert N. Bellah. -- Free Press, c1957.
Tokyo / James Kirkup. -- Phoenix House, 1966.
Tokyo : fifty sketches = Tokyo : cinquante croquis / Noメl Nouメt. -- [1], 2. -- The Japan Times & Mail, 昭和9 [1934]-昭和10 [1935].
Tokyo miyage / by S. Akimoto ; illustrated by H. Ogawa. -- Kelly and Walsh, 1912.
Tokyo record / by Otto D. Tolischus. -- H. Hamilton, 1943.
Tokyo Rose, orphan of the Pacific / Masayo Duus ; translated from the Japanese by Peter Duus ; introduction by Edwin O. Reischauer. -- : U.S. : pbk., : Japan : pbk.. -- 1st ed. -- Kodansha International.
Toward international understanding / Yasaka Takagi. -- Kenkyusha, 1954.
Toyotomi Hideyoshi and the 1587 Edicts against Christianity / by Adriana Boscard. -- In-house reproduction).
Trade and diplomacy on the China Coast : the opening of the treaty ports, 1842-1854 / by John King Fairbank. -- v. 1-2. -- Harvard University Press, 1964. -- (Harvard historical studies ; v. 62, 63).
Trades and crafts of old Japan : leaves from a contemporary album / Eric A. Kaemmerer. -- 1st ed. -- C.E. Tuttle, 1961.
Trading under sail off Japan, 1860-99 : the recollections of Captain John Baxter Will, sailing-master & pilot / edited with a historical introduction by George Alexander Lensen. -- Sophia University.
Transactions and proceedings of the Japan Society, London. -- Vol. 1 (1892)-v. 37 (1939/1941). -- [The Society], 1893-1941.
Translation of preface, contents and conclusion of the book, of "A diplomatic history of Japan and Great Britain" / by Morinosuke Kajima. -- [s.n.], [1957?].
Traveller from Tokyo / by John Morris. -- The Book Club, 1945.
Treasures among men : the fudai daimyo in Tokugawa Japan / Harold Bolitho. -- Yale University Press, 1974. -- (Yale historical publications ; Miscellany ; 101).
Trials in Burma / Maurice Collis. -- Faber and Faber, [pref. 1937].
Tsushima / A. Novikoff-Priboy ; translated from the Russian by Eden and Cedar Paul. -- George Allen & Unwin, 1936.
Turbulent era : a diplomatic record of forty years, 1904-1945 / Joseph C. Grew ; edited by Walter Johnson, assisted by Nancy Harvison Hooker. -- v. 1, v. 2. -- Houghton Mifflin, c1952.
Twelve doors to Japan / by John Whitney Hall and Richard K. Beardsley ; with chapters by Joseph K. Yamagiwa, B. James George, Jr.. -- McGraw-Hill, c1965.
Two gentlemen of China : an intimate description of the private life of two patrician Chinese families, their homes, loves, religion, mirth, sorrow & many other aspects of their family life / by Lady Hosie ; with an introduction by Professor Soothill. -- Seeley, Service & Co., 1923.
Typhoon in Tokyo : the occupation and its aftermath / Harry Emerson Wildes. -- Allen & Unwin, 1954.
Tojuro's love and four other plays / by Kikuchi Kwan ; translated from the Japanese by Glenn W. Shaw. -- Hokuseido [北星堂], 1925.
Unbeaten tracks in Japan : a record of travels in the interior, including visits to the aborigines of Yezo and the shrines of Nikko and Ise / by Mrs. J.F. Bishop (Isabella L. Bird). -- New ed.. -- G. Newnes, 1900.
Unfamiliar Lafcadio Hearn / by Kenneth P. Kirkwood. -- Hokuseido Press, 1936.
United States relations with China : with special reference to the period 1944-1949. -- U.S.G.P.O., 1949. -- (Far Eastern series ; 30)(Department of State publication ; 3573).
Up and down Asia / George N. Patterson. -- Faber & Faber, 1958.
Urban Japan : its foundations and growth / David Kornhauser ; with a foreword by J.M. Houston. -- : pbk. -- Longman, 1976. -- (The World's landscapes ; ).
Uwepekere, or, Ainu fireside stories / as told by one of themselves ; translated by John Batchelor. -- Kyobunkan, 1924.
Vain endeavor : Robert Lansing's attempts to end the American-Japanese rivalry / Burton F. Beers. -- Duke University Press, 1962.
Valley of darkness : the Japanese people and World War Two / Thomas R. H. Havens. -- 1st ed. -- Norton, c1978.
Victors' justice : the Tokyo War Crimes Trial / Richard H. Minear. -- pbk. -- Princeton University Press, 1971.
Vietnam and the Sino-Soviet dispute / edited by Robert A. Rupen and Robert Farrell. -- Published for the Institute for the Study of the U.S.S.R. [by] F.A. Praeger, 1967. -- (Praeger publications in Russian history and world communism ; no. 198).
Vietnam, a diplomatic tragedy : the origins of the United States involvement / by Victor Bator. -- Oceana Publications, 1965.
Views from here! / Satsuki Mitaro. -- [s.n.], 1970.
Volcanic isle / by Wilfrid Fleisher. -- Jonathan Cape, 1942.
Volcanoes and the sun : a new concept of the mythology of the Kojiki / by Alexander Vannovsky. -- Bridgeway Press, 1960.
War and diplomacy in the Japanese Empire / by Tatsuji Takeuchi ; introduction by Quincy Wright. -- Geoge Allen & Unwin, [1935].
War criminal : the life and death of Hirota Koki / Saburo Shiroyama ; translated by John Bester. -- 1st ed.. -- Kodansha International.
Warrior government in early medieval Japan : a study of the Kamakura Bakufu, shugo and jito / Jeffrey P. Mass. -- Yale University Press, 1974. -- (Yale historical publications ; Miscellany ; 103).
We built and destroyed / by Douglas Bailey. -- Hurst & Blackett, [1943?].
Western influences in modern Japan : a series of papers on cultural relations / by Inazo Nitobe and others. -- University of Chicago Press, 1931.
When two cultures meet : sketches of postwar Japan, 1945-1955 / by Junesay Iddittie. -- Kenkyusha, c1955.
White shadows, black shadows : poems of peace and war / James Kirkup. -- Dent, 1970.
Why has Japan 'succeeded'? : western technology and the Japanese ethos / Michio Morishima. -- : hard, : pbk. -- Cambridge University Press, 1982.
Why the fighting in Shanghai. -- Foreign Affairs Association of Japan, 1937.
Will Japan rearm? : A study in attitudes / John K. Emmerson, Leonard A. Humphreys. -- American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, [1973]. -- (AEI-Hoover policy studies ; 9)(Hoover Institution studies ; 44).
Windows for the Crown Prince / by Elizabeth Gray Vining. -- J.B. Lippincott, 1952.
With Macarthur in Japan : a personal history of the occupation / by William J. Sebald with Russell Brines. -- Cresset, 1967.
With the 14th army / D.F. Karaka. -- Thacker & Co., 1944.
With Togo : the story of seven months' active service under his command / by H.C. Seppings Wright. -- Hurst and Blackett, 1905.
With Wingate in Burma / by David Halley. -- W. Hodge, 1945.
Witness to an era : India 1920 to the present day / Frank Moraes. -- Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1973.
Women in changing Japan / edited by Joyce Lebra, Joy Paulson, Elizabeth Powers. -- Westview Press, 1976. -- (Westview special studies on China and East Asia ; ).
Woodrow Wilson and the Far East : the diplomacy of the Shantung question / Russell H. Fifield. -- T.Y. Crowell, c1952.
Workers and employers in Japan : the Japanese employment relations system / edited by Kazuo Okochi, Bernard Karsh [and] Solomon B. Levine. -- Princeton University Press.
World within walls : Japanese literature of the pre-modern era, 1600-1867 / Donald Keene. -- Secker and Warburg, 1976.
Yamagata Aritomo in the rise of modern Japan, 1838-1922 / Roger F. Hackett. -- Harvard University Press, 1971. -- (Harvard East Asian series ; 60).
Yankees and samurai : America's role in the emergence of modern Japan, 1791-1900 / Foster Rhea Dulles. -- 1st ed.. -- Harper & Row, c1965.
Year of the tiger / Alvin D. Coox. -- Orient/West, 1964.
Yoshida Shoin, forerunner of the Meiji restoration : a biographical study / by H. van Straelen. -- E.J. Brill, 1952. -- (Monographies du T'oung pao ; 2).
Yoshitsune : a fifteenth-century Japanese chronicle / translated and with an introduction by Helen Craig McCullough. -- Stanford University Press, 1966. -- (Unesco collection of representative works ; Japanese ser.).
Young Japan : Yokohama and Yedo, 1858-79 / by John R. Black ; with an introduction by Grace Fox. -- v. 1, v. 2. -- Oxford University Press, 1968. -- (Oxford in Asia historical reprints ; ).
Zen and Japanese culture / Daisetz T. Suzuki. -- Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1959. -- (Bollingen series ; 64).
Zen and the Ways / Trevor Leggett. -- £5.95, pbk. -- Routledge and K. Paul, 1978.
Zen in English literature and Oriental classics / by R.H. Blyth. -- Hokuseido Press, 1942.
Zen in the art of archery / by Eugen Herrigel ; translated from the German by R.F.C. Hull ; foreword by D.T. Suzuki. -- Routledge & K. Paul, 1953.
Zen in the art of flower arrangement / by Gustie L. Herrigel ; an introduction to the spirit of the Japanese art of flower arrangement with a foreword by Daisetz T. Suziki ; translated from the German by R.F.C. Hull. -- Routledge & K. Paul, 1958.
Zero! / Masatake Okumiya and Jiro Horikoshi, with Martin Caidin. -- Transworld, 1958. -- (Corgi books ; G613).
Ohashi Totsuan / by Carmen Blacker. -- Asiatic Society of Japan, [1959].
Okubo Toshimichi : the Bismarck of Japan / Masakazu Iwata. -- University of California Press, 1964. -- (Publications of the Center for Japanese and Korean Studies ; ).