
授業情報/Course information

科目一覧へ戻る 2023/03/27 現在

科目名/Subject グローカルセミナーI
担当教員(所属)/Instructor 森谷 亮太 (商学部)
授業科目区分/Category YOUC PROGRAM 
開講学期/Semester 2020年度/Academic Year  後期/Fall Semester
開講曜限/Class period 金/Fri 5
対象所属/Eligible Faculty 商学部/Faculty of Commerce
配当年次/Years 1年 , 2年 , 3年 , 4年
単位数/Credits 2
オフィスアワー/Office hours
更新日/Date of renewal 2020/07/27
/Course Objectives and method
This course will provide various learning activities through which you will improve general academic skills including academic writing skills and academic presentation skills.
/Course Goals
Upon completing this course, the students will be able to:
1. Develop their research topics
2. Conduct the basic research
3. Write a basic academic report
4. Communicate their discoveries to an audience in English
/Course contents
1 Overview of Semester: Schedule and Grading
 [TS] Unit 1
2 [TS] Unit 2
 [AS] 1 Preparatory reading and searching
3 [TS] Unit 3
 [AS] 2 Gathering and organizing key information
4 [TS] Unit 4
 [AS] 3 Studying thoroughly and critically
5 [TS] Unit 5
 [AS] 4 From your topic to your question
6 [TS] Unit 6
 [AS] 5 Formulating a good question
7 [TS] Unit 7
 [AS] 6 A testable concept
8 [TS] Unit 8
 [AS] 7 Making a research instrument
9 [TS] Unit 9
 [AS] 8 Research practice
10[TS] Unit 10
 [AS] 9 The structure of your article
11[TS] Unit 11
 [AS] 10 Finishing your article: academic writing, titles, and abstracts
12 [TS] Unit 12
 [AS] 11 Citing sources and the bibliography
13[TS] Unit 13
 [AS] 12 Preventing fraud and plagiarism
14[TS] Unit 14
 [AS] 13 Collaboration, feedback, and peer review
15[TS] Unit 15
 [AS] 14 Presenting
/Preparation and review class
In order to get a credit for this course you need to meet the following criteria:
* Complete all the weekly lessons and assignments by the weekly deadlines.
* Participate in class discussions.
* Attend class each week. You must not be absent more than 4 classes during the course.
/Teaching materials
•植田一三・上田敏子・田岡千明・中坂あき子・柏本左智(2018). Take a Stance: Discussing Today’s Controversial Issues 2: 賛否両論の社会問題を考える2. 東京:センゲージラーニング. ISBN 978-4-86312-333-5
•Gaast, K. V. D., Koenders, L, & Post, G. (2019). Academic skills for interdisciplinary studies [Rev. ed.]. V. Collingwood (Trans.). Amsterdam University Press: B. V., Amsterdam. ISBN  978 94 6372 0922

Attendance 10%
Participation 30%
Assignments 30%
Final Report 30%

*Students who hope to add extra credit to their course grades are encouraged to take TOEFL exam.
/Grading Criteria
S (秀) 90-100
A (優) 80-89
B (良) 70-79
C (可) 60-69
/Courses conducted by the
ones with practical
/Online class
遠隔授業/Online class
