
授業情報/Course information

科目一覧へ戻る 2023/03/27 現在

科目名/Subject ビジネス経済学I
担当教員(所属)/Instructor 池田 真介 (商学部)
授業科目区分/Category 昼間コース 学科別専門科目
開講学期/Semester 2020年度/Academic Year  後期/Fall Semester
開講曜限/Class period 月/Mon 3 , 水/Wed 3
対象所属/Eligible Faculty 商学部/Faculty of Commerce
配当年次/Years 1年 , 2年 , 3年 , 4年
単位数/Credits 2
オフィスアワー/Office hours
更新日/Date of renewal 2020/04/16
/Course Objectives and method
1. Course objective and method

This is the first half of Business Economics modules in the global education program at Otaru University of Commerce. I welcome both OUC regular students and YOUC international students, the latter of which come typically from September. That is why Business Economics I is open in the fall semester and Business Economics II is open in the spring semester.

The main objective is to provide opportunities for undergraduate students to learn microeconomics, with special emphases on business and managerial aspects. I will follow slides on screen, but I will try my best to encourage your active participation in the class discussion by asking you many questions. (Warning: due to any unexpected changes of situations during COVID-19 pandemic in the world, the class style can be very different from a usual physical face-to-face manner. Any updates will be informed to potential students prior to the official enrollment season.)

/Course Goals
2. Course goals
The main goals of this course are to give you opportunities to …
(i) be more familiar with microeconomic principles (assumptions, optimality, efficiency), and
(ii) apply these principles to business and managerial issues.
/Course contents
3. Course Contents
1. Why Strategy from Economic Viewpoints (orientation)
2. Demand, Demand Shifters and Surplus
3. Elasticity as a Unit-Free Measure of Sensitivity (briefly)
4. Cost Structures and Boundaries of Firms
5. Perfect Competition vs. Monopoly (I): The Pricing Rules and Firm’s Supply
6. Perfect Competition vs. Monopoly (II): Market Equilibrium and Economic Efficiency
7. Economies of scales, scopes and learning.
/Teaching materials
4. Teaching materials
My own slides (circulated for free).

They are based on the following references.

Besanko, Dranove, Shanley, Schaefer (2013). Economics of Strategy, 6th (int. stu. ver.)
Png (2015). Managerial Economics, 5th.
Goolsbee, Levitt & Syverson (2016). Microeconomics, 2nd.
5. Grading
Your performance in this class will be evaluated by the following four factors:
Attendance (10%), Homework (20%), Midterm Exam (30%), Final Exam (40%).

/Grading Criteria
5. Grading
Your performance in this class will be evaluated by the following four factors:
Attendance (10%), Homework (20%), Midterm Exam (30%), Final Exam (40%).

6. Remarks
Mid-term exam will be take-home, to be assigned around Oct 22 and to be submitted around Oct 31.
Final exam will be in-class and cumulative, although more emphasis on materials covered in Nov.

Office hours: TBA.
/Courses conducted by the
ones with practical
/Online class
遠隔授業/Online class
