
授業情報/Course information

科目一覧へ戻る 2023/03/27 現在

科目名/Subject 英語IIA4(E267A4)
担当教員(所属)/Instructor 三ツ木 真実 (商学部)
授業科目区分/Category 昼間コース 外国語科目等
開講学期/Semester 2020年度/Academic Year  後期/Fall Semester
開講曜限/Class period 金/Fri 2
対象所属/Eligible Faculty
配当年次/Years 2年 , 3年 , 4年
単位数/Credits 1
オフィスアワー/Office hours
更新日/Date of renewal 2020/02/28
/Course Objectives and method
This course is aimed to enhance students' practical skills in reading as well as listening, speaking and writing, through a series of discussions on the movies and assignments. Also, this course will provide a basic knowledge of English Grammar based on cognitive linguistics.This class will be a combination of lectures and mini-presentations followed by class discussions. Students will have plenty of opprtunities to write & speak in English as well. Students will do the quiz in every class and teacher will give feedback by commenting on common errors. 
/Course Goals
Through this class students will be able to contextualize movies in socio-political background and will learn to appreciate movies from critical perspectives. Students will be able to enhance their practical skills in reading as well as listening, speaking and writing, through series of discussions on the movies, written assignments and student's presentation.
/Course contents
1. Introduction
2. The Truman Show 1: Meeting Truman 
3. The Truman Show 2: Fear of Ocean
4. The Truman Show 3: Lauren & Sylvia 
5. The Truman Show 4: Something Strange Is Going On 
6. The Truman Show 5: Truman Tries to Leave 
7. The Truman Show 6: Truman and Meryl Go for a Ride 
8. The Truman Show 7: The Reunion 
9. The Truman Show 8: Truman's Past Revealed
10. The Truman Show 9: Truman Disappears  
11. The Truman Show 10: Truman Finds Out
12-14. Zootopia: Inequality issues: Gender, Race etc..
15. Wrap up of the course 
/Preparation and review class
Read the passage and look up the meaning of unknown words before class. Students need to write Japanese translation for the movie scripts before class. After each lesson, Review the lesson and prepare for the quiz.
/Teaching materials
Bring your handouts to class.
Grades will be based on in-class participation (20%), vocabulary & comprehension quiz (20%), assignments (36%), and final exam / report / presentation (24%)
/Grading Criteria
100-90 秀
89-80  優
79-70  良
69-60  可
In some cases, the film used in class will be changed.
This class will be conducted entirely in English.
Students will be required to communicate in English in the classroom.
Students have to prepare for the vocabulary quiz and do homework in each unit before attending the class every week.
/Courses conducted by the
ones with practical
/Online class
遠隔授業/Online class
