
授業情報/Course information

科目一覧へ戻る 2023/03/17 現在

科目名/Subject 英語IB(E131B)【準標準】
担当教員(所属)/Instructor 工藤 ローラ (商学部)
授業科目区分/Category 昼間コース 外国語科目等
開講学期/Semester 2017年度/Academic Year  前期/Spring Semester
開講曜限/Class period 木/Thu 4
対象所属/Eligible Faculty
配当年次/Years 1年 , 2年 , 3年 , 4年
単位数/Credits 1
オフィスアワー/Office hours
更新日/Date of renewal 2017/02/07
/Course Objectives and method
To have students put into oral practice the English they have learned so far and the new things they will be learning in this course.
The book used for this class has a wide variety of activities - including listening, speaking and critical thinking - that will help enhance the students’ communication skills.
The activities in class will be mostly done in pairs and/or groups.
/Course Goals
This course aims to have students put into active conversational practice the English studied in junior and high school. The goal is for the students to be able to, by the end of the semester, carry out conversation on a variety of topics, which will be practiced throughout the semester using the materials provided.
/Course contents
Week 1 – introduction to the course + oral activity
Week 2 – unit 1
Week 3 – unit 1
Week 4 – unit 1
Week 5 – unit 2
Week 6 – unit 2
Week 7 – unit 2
Week 8 – mid-term
Week 9 – unit 3
Week 10 – unit 3
Week 11 – unit 3
Week 12 – unit 4
Week 13 – unit 4
Week 14 – unit 4
Week 15 – review
Week 16 – final exam
/Teaching materials
Pathways 2A– Listening, Speaking, and Critical Thinking
Heinle Cengage Learning
ISBN 978-1-285-15974-4
40% - attendance and participation in class
20% - homework assignments
40% - mid-term and final exams
/Grading Criteria
- There must be a balance between the percentages listed in “Grading”, that means, for example, a student CANNOT get 40% on the exams and do not hand in homework assignments. To get a passing grade, students must get at least 60% in each of the categories.
- Missing more than 5 classes results in automatic failure
- Absences will affect the final grade.
- Homework assignments will have to be posted on the class Moodle page.
The schedule is susceptible to changes, depending on how the course progresses
/Online class
遠隔授業/Online class
