1. Department of Economics

Economics is an academic discipline that rapidly developed in the twentieth century based on a solid mathematical and statistical foundation. The policy of the department of economics is to nurture students¨logical thinking, an international view and practical ability through the study of economics. As part of the faculty of commerce, students of the department can also take the subjects of commerce, law and information science. The curriculum of economics at
Otaru University of Commerce is systematically organized and follows the global standard. The faculty is active in research with economists from various backgrounds teaching lectures. There are many faculty members who hold a Ph.D.  degree earned in the United States. Some classes are conducted in english.

2. Department of Commerce

Commerce is the academic field that
keeps in close touch with the fast-mation technology). Its education andchanging, dynamic economic society in research covers many fields relating towhich we live. The Department of IT in various organizations, which Commerce takes an approach based on include the individual technological elethe activities of business corporations ments of IT, the informational activities operating in this economic society. The and systems, and the method and appliword ^Commerce ̄perhaps sounds cation to support projects and decision
slightly outdated, but in reality it is themost advanced academic field in the company and other practical abilities about fifteen. At the end of the fourthworld of business. The department through studying on these courses. year, seminar participants are required consists of three courses, i.e. Science The curriculum is systematically to submit a graduation paper. Some of Commerce, Business Administration organized year by year. In the third and classes are conducted in english.

3. Department of Law

 The objective of the department is to produce business experts in law. It has its own curriculum focused on laws which are related to business activities and the education emphasizes the applicability of the knowledge of law.
  The faculty is fully fledged. Students can learn, not only the basic and traditional fields such as the constitution, the civil code, criminal law and commercial law, but also the new and applied fields such as intellectual property law, international economic law and international trade law. In the seminars that begin from the third year, stu dents are expected to  acquire an attitude of log ical thinking and a senseof justice and fairness byexamining the way to solve various legal problems that arise in modern society.
 Graduates obtain jobs in various fields including the legal profession.There are also many graduates who become public servants or business workers in priva te companies. 


4. Department of Information and Management Science

 The department gives students the broad knowledge and skills to ready for the rapid change of social environment caused by the development of IT (infor-mation technology). Its education and research covers many fields relating to IT in various organizations, which include the individual technological elements of IT, the informationalactivities and systems, and the method and application to support projects and decision making.

 The department offers a remarkable combination of engineering and human arts; especially the former deals with the technological aspects of the fields and the latter with their application. The department nurtures business managers in the IT era by extensively training them to understand the structure of organizations through informational aspect.  english language is used in someclasses.