
授業情報/Course information

科目一覧へ戻る 2024/01/31 現在

科目名/Subject 英語IB(E128B)
担当教員(所属)/Instructor 三ツ木 真実 (商学部)
授業科目区分/Category 昼間コース 外国語科目等
開講学期/Semester 2023年度/Academic Year  前期/Spring Semester
開講曜限/Class period 火/Tue 4
対象所属/Eligible Faculty
配当年次/Years 1年 , 2年 , 3年 , 4年
単位数/Credits 1
オフィスアワー/Office hours
更新日/Date of renewal 2023/02/24
/Course Objectives and method
The purpose of this lesson is to help students improve their academic skills in order to prepare students for participation in real-life academic and professional contexts. This class provides a stimulating, content-based approach that helps students develop their reading, listening, thinking, and English discussion skills, while studying relevant topics.
/Course Goals
Students can listen to the academic lecture and can learn the vocabulary related to each topic covered and develop reading, listening and English discussion skills.
Students aim to review, discuss and summarize the points mentioned in the lecture of each unit.
/Course contents
1: Introduction and overview of the course
2: Practicing communication gap task and group discussion (Review and reflection of Week 1 / Preparation for Week 3)
3: PSYCHOLOGY: Happiness[1] (Communication-gap task / Group work /Review and reflection of Week 2 / Preparation for Week 4)
4: PSYCHOLOGY: Happiness[2] (Communication-gap task / Group discussion / Comprehension quiz)
5: LINGUISTICS: A Time to Learn[1] (Communication-gap task / Group work / Review and reflection of Week 4 / Preparation for Week 6)
6: LINGUISTICS: A Time to Learn[2] (Communication-gap task / Group discussion / Comprehension quiz)
7: PUBLIC HEALTH: Sleep[1] (Communication-gap task / Group work / Review and reflection of Week 6 / Preparation for Week 8)
8: PUBLIC HEALTH: Sleep[2] (Communication-gap task / Group discussion / Comprehension quiz)
9: BUSINESS: Negotiating for Success[1] (Communication-gap task / Group work / Review and reflection of Week 8 / Preparation for Week 10)
10: BUSINESS: Negotiating for Success[2] (Communication-gap task / Group discussion / Comprehension quiz)
11: MEDIA STUDIES: Video Games[1] (Communication-gap task / Group work / Review and reflection of Week 10 / Preparation for Week 12)
12: MEDIA STUDIES: Video Games[2] (Communication-gap task / Group discussion / Comprehension quiz)
13: PHILOSOPHY: Ethics[1] (Communication-gap task / Group work / Review and reflection of Week 12 / Preparation for Week 14)
14: PHILOSOPHY: Ethics[2] (Communication-gap task / Group discussion / Comprehension quiz)
15: Wrap up of the course with final exam
/Preparation and review class
[Before every lesson]
Students should prepare for the vocabulary quiz, answer comprehension quizzes, conduct further research on the discussion topic, and plan and summarize what to share in the discussion.

[After every lesson]
Students should submit a discussion report, a reflection on their language use.
/Teaching materials
CONTEMPORARY TOPICS 1 21st Century Skills for Academic Success 4th Edition(PEARSON)
Grades will be based on:
Vocabulary Quiz [10%]
Reflection on language use [10%]
Assignments for Group Discussion [20%]
Quiz to check your understanding (1) [10%]
Quiz to check your understanding (2) [15%]
Discussion Report [25%]

*Each writing assignment will be evaluated on Fluency, Accuracy, and Content (3 points each).
/Grading Criteria
100-90 秀
89-80  優
79-70   良
69-60  可
不可 (59-0) :授業実施総回数の2/3以上出席していないか、または、総合評価59%以下
This class will be conducted entirely in English.
Students will be required to communicate in English in the classroom.
Students will work on assignments (with submissions) as preparation for activities in the class. The following week they work on discussions and developmental assignments based on what they have prepared on-demand via real-time delivery via Zoom. The next week, the students will work on the on-demand review assignment and the preparation assignment mentioned above. In this way, although the topics change every two weeks, the class format repeats a cycle.
/Courses conducted by the
ones with practical
/Method of class
①面接授業/Face-To-Face class
/Online class
遠隔授業/Online class
