
授業情報/Course information

科目一覧へ戻る 2024/01/31 現在

科目名/Subject 英語IA(E116A)
担当教員(所属)/Instructor フリーゼン ケンレイ (商学部)
授業科目区分/Category 昼間コース 外国語科目等
開講学期/Semester 2023年度/Academic Year  前期/Spring Semester
開講曜限/Class period 火/Tue 4
対象所属/Eligible Faculty
配当年次/Years 1年 , 2年 , 3年 , 4年
単位数/Credits 1
オフィスアワー/Office hours
更新日/Date of renewal 2023/02/22
/Course Objectives and method
Objectives: This course is an intermediate reading class. The objective is to increase the students’ ability to read and understand written materials in the English language. A lot of written material is delivered in short but dense written style, so this course will focus on written samples that are short and dense. This will help prepare students to pass the Eiken level pre-1 test as well as prepare them to read research paper abstracts, newspaper articles, and e-mail correspondence.
Method: The class will be conducted in the classroom unless otherwise notified. There may be up to four classes held on-demand or on Zoom, but you can assume the class is in the classroom unless otherwise notified. Students will be expected to participate orally in small group discussions as well in writing on forums. Interacting with other students through the medium of the English languages is part of this class and will count towards the final grade.
/Course Goals
• To improve reading comprehension skills of students at the upper intermediate level of English (Eiken Pre-One).
• To enhance vocabulary and grammatical knowledge through various types of reading materials.
• To encourage critical thinking and discussion skills through group discussions.
• To introduce students to a range of texts including textbook readings, newspaper articles, and speech transcripts from TED talks.
• To improve pronunciation and listening skills through oral reading and discussion activities.

This course will focus on developing the reading comprehension skills of students at the Eiken Pre-One level of English. Students will read a variety of texts including textbook readings, newspaper articles, and speech transcripts from TED talks. Through these readings, students will be introduced to new vocabulary and grammatical structures, and will be given opportunities to apply these skills in discussions with their classmates. In-class activities will include group discussions, oral readings, and comprehension exercises. Students will be expected to participate actively in discussions and to ask questions of each other to develop their critical thinking skills.
/Course contents
The order of the readings is as follows:
1. Week 1: Getting Your Vacation
2. Week 2: Gender Trends in American Education, and Keeping Toronto Cool
3. Week 3: The Danger of a Single Story and Egypt’s New Capital,
4. Week 4: UBI in Japan and Finland’s Experimental Universal Basic Income
5. Week 5: An Incredible Survivor and Less Salt, More Health
6. Week 6: The Characteristics of Geniuses
7. Week 7: The Future of Work
8. Week 8: Why Do Women Feel Colder than Men and The Effects of Ecotourism on Wildlife 
9. Week 9: The Uncertainty of Celiac Disease and The Domestication of Cats
10. Week 10: Guns in Switzerland
11. Week 11: The Mysteries of Language
12. Week 12: Can Life Jump Planets
13. Week 13: Reductionism Versus Systems Thinking and Banning Ivory
14. Week 14: Mysterious Stone Circles in the Amazon
15. Week 15: Film Noir
16. Final Exam
If there are changes made to this schedule, changes will be posted on the Manama course news forum.
/Preparation and review class
Students should prepare for lessons by reading the short essays before we read them in class. There will be 24 review quizzes. Students will be expected to review the essays before the quizzes in their own time.
/Teaching materials
There is a textbook for this course:
『英検分野別ターゲット 英検準1級リーディング問題 (改訂版)』
Publisher: 旺文社; 改訂 edition (August 8, 2018)
Language: 日本語
ISBN-10: 4010948531
ISBN-13: 978-4010948538
Other handouts will be available in class and on-line. If a student misses a class, it is the student’s responsibility to download the print-out from the class web-page.
There will be weekly review quizzes, forum posts, written assignments, as well as a final exam. Class participation will also be a factor in determining the final grade. Class participation means participating in discussions with classmates in English, both in the classroom. It also includes contributing to written Forum discussions on Manaba. The quizzes will be based on the reading assignments. The final exam will include reading passages the students have not seen before.
/Grading Criteria
quizzes: 30%
forum posts: 15%
written assignments: 15%
class participation: 20%
final exam: 20%
Improving English reading ability is crucial for academic and future career success. English is the primary language of instruction in many academic fields, including STEM fields, and a lot of research papers and textbooks are written in English. Therefore, students who can read and understand English will have a competitive advantage in their studies. They will be able to access a wider range of academic resources and communicate with their peers and professors more effectively.

Furthermore, proficiency in English reading can open up opportunities for students to work with multinational corporations, which use English as their primary language of communication. Many high-paying jobs require proficiency in English, and the ability to read and understand English can also help students to participate in international conferences and collaborate with colleagues from around the world.

In addition to academic and career benefits, improving English reading ability increases one's understanding of the world we live in. English is the language of international communication, and many of the world's most influential publications, news outlets, and social media platforms are in English. Therefore, students who can read and understand English can access a wider range of information about the world, including news, current events, and cultural trends. This increased awareness can help students become more informed citizens and better understand the world we live in.

By improving English reading ability, students will be better equipped to succeed academically and professionally and to contribute to a better world.
/Courses conducted by the
ones with practical
/Method of class
②面接授業(ハイブリッド)/Face-To-Face class(including online classes less than 7 weeks)
/Online class
遠隔授業/Online class
