
授業情報/Course information

科目一覧へ戻る 2022/04/06 現在

科目名/Subject ホルスト マーク 3年ゼミ
担当教員(所属)/Instructor ホルスト (商学部)
授業科目区分/Category 昼間コース 学科別専門科目
開講学期/Semester 2022年度/Academic Year  前期/Spring Semester
開講曜限/Class period 木/Thu 4 , 木/Thu 5
対象所属/Eligible Faculty
配当年次/Years 3年 , 4年
単位数/Credits 0
オフィスアワー/Office hours
更新日/Date of renewal 2022/02/07
/Course Objectives and method
We investigate the varieties of language people use. We study how our speaking style changes according to the situation we are in, according to the people we are talking to and according to the image of ourselves we are trying to project to others (our identity), considering power distance (上下関係), social distance (親しみやすさ) and the setting (場面/状況).
/Course Goals
(1) To introduce students to sociolinguistics (社会言語学) by exploring: (i) how the speaking situation affects the language we use (dialect, language style, directness, politeness); (ii) how these factors affect second language learning.
(2) To develop students' research skills through collecting and analyzing written and spoken language data. Our research methods are: observing and recording natural conversations; analyzing online video and audio resources to understand about identity and language use; surveying and interviewing people on their language use.
(3) To develop students' reading, writing and communication skills in English, and develop critical thinking skills. The main language of our seminar is English, so good English skills are important. However, our emphasis is on learning about language, so during class Japanese is also used to clarify information. The aim is to have a positive and relaxed learning atmosphere.
/Course contents
* Each week before class, all students read about an aspect of sociolinguistics. In class, one person makes a presentation about the topic, after which we discuss it, considering examples from various languages, then write about it for homework.
* Students do a group project investigating how people use language in real situations, and present their findings in the final class.
/Preparation and
review lesson
* Weekly readings from the course textbook.
* Regular writing assignments on issues in sociolinguistics that emerge from the class materials.
* Research projects - one in each semester in the third year.
/Teaching materials
* Wardhaugh, Ronald (2021) An Introduction to Sociolinguistics (8th edition). Wiley-Blackwell.(Main text for spring semester)
* McIntyre, Dan (2009) History of English: A resource book for students. Oxford: Routledge. (Main text for fall semester)
* Various other academic texts and other materials provided by the instructor
Students are expected to attend every week, do the required reading and writing assignments and actively contribute to class discussions. Besides this foreign students joining the seminar for the year will be expected to carry out a research project, collecting language data and analysing it using a sociolinguistic methodology. Their findings will be written up in a short paper to be handed in by the end of the course.
/Grading Criteria
Grading is based on essays, presentations and final report according to the following criteria:
A. 100-90 %: excellent performance
B. 89-80 %:  strong performance
C. 79-70 %:  good enough performance
D: 69-60 %:  enough performance to meet basic expectations
F. 59- 0 %:   below expectations
* All classes in this courses will be conducted on campus 対面授業).
* The seminar caters to non-native speakers of English who would like to study sociolinguistics through the medium of English.
* The main language of instruction is English.

Research room: 359    
Seminar Room: 314
/Courses conducted by the
ones with practical
