
授業情報/Course information

科目一覧へ戻る 2022/04/06 現在

科目名/Subject 英語IIA2/B2(E235A2/B2)
担当教員(所属)/Instructor フリーゼン ケンレイ (商学部)
授業科目区分/Category 昼間コース 外国語科目等
開講学期/Semester 2022年度/Academic Year  後期/Fall Semester
開講曜限/Class period 火/Tue 5
対象所属/Eligible Faculty
配当年次/Years 2年 , 3年 , 4年
単位数/Credits 1
オフィスアワー/Office hours
更新日/Date of renewal 2022/03/01
/Course Objectives and method
This course is a basic communication course for second year students. The objective is to increase the students’ ability to communicate in the English language. The primary focus is on oral communication, primarily speaking and listening, but there will also be some writing and reding involved. Classes will be real time on Zoom with instructions posted on Manaba.
/Course Goals
The course goal is for students to reach a speaking and listening level where they are able to communicate freely with English speakers. On the CEFR scale, the English language level of difficulty will be starting at the A2 level and moving into the B1 level. This means that at the beginning of the course, at the A2 CEFR level, students will practice frequently used expressions in areas such as shopping, family, employment, etc. and complete tasks that are routine and involve a direct exchange of information. As the course progresses, students will discuss family, work, school or leisure-related topics, deal with travel situations, create simple texts on topics of personal interest, describe experiences, events, dreams, and ambitions, as well as opinions or plans.
/Course contents
The order of the topics is as follows:
1. Week 1: Unit 1: Exchange personal information
2. Week 2: Unit 1: Discuss friendship and Personality types
3. Week 3: Unit 2: Career
4. Week 4: Unit 2: Job skills and comparing jobs
5. Week 5: Unit 3: Asking for a favour
6. Week 6: Unit 3 Making a Request
7. Week 7: Speaking Test Dialogue Preparation
8. Week 8: Speaking Test 
9. Week 9: Unit 4: The Media: News stories
10. Week 10: Unit 4: The Media: Exceptional events
11. Week 11: Unit 5: Discussing culture
12. Week 12: Unit 5: Tourism and Travel
13. Week 13: Unit 6: Making a complaint
14. Week 14: Unit 6: Discussing Problems
15. Week 15: Speaking Test Dialogue Preparation
16. Week 16: Final Exam
/Preparation and
review lesson
Students should prepare for lessons by reading the textbook unit that will be studied in each class. Students will be required to review the language structures, vocabulary, and strategies in order to pass the speaking tests.
/Teaching materials
Interchange Level 3A Student's Book with Online Self-Study
Authors: Richards, Jack, and Hull, Jonathon, and Proctor, Susan
Publisher: Cambridge University Press; 5th edition (July 6, 2017)
Publication date: July 6, 2017
Paperback: 156 pages
ISBN-10 : 1316620530
ISBN-13 : 978-1316620533

Other handouts will be available in class and on-line. If a student misses a class, it is the student’s responsibility to download the print-out from the class web-page.
There will be 2 speaking tests in class in week 8 and at the end of the semester. These speaking will be related to the topics studied in the previous weeks. There will also be weekly quizzes, forum assignments, and short presentations. Demonstrating an ongoing willingness to engage in communication activities is crucial to receive a passing grade.
/Grading Criteria
2 speaking tests: 2 x 20 = 40%
Weekly quizzes: 12 x 2 = 24%
Forum Participation: 16%
In-class speaking tasks: 20%
The ability to successfully communicate in English is a skill required by today’s successful career minded people. This course is intended to develop student’s ability to do so in a way that is fun, interesting, and enjoyable. Course content focuses primarily on the exchange of personal information, ideas, and opinions about the world. But also involves a discussion of current events, conflict areas, and natural and manmade disasters. Effort will be made to lower learner anxiety and make the learning environment supportive, encouraging, and positive.
/Courses conducted by the
ones with practical
