
授業情報/Course information

科目一覧へ戻る 2022/04/06 現在

科目名/Subject 英語IC(E155C)
担当教員(所属)/Instructor マーフィー (商学部)
授業科目区分/Category 昼間コース 外国語科目等
開講学期/Semester 2022年度/Academic Year  後期/Fall Semester
開講曜限/Class period 木/Thu 5
対象所属/Eligible Faculty
配当年次/Years 1年 , 2年 , 3年 , 4年
単位数/Credits 1
オフィスアワー/Office hours
更新日/Date of renewal 2022/02/28
/Course Objectives and method
The main goal of this course is to improve speaking skills. In past years students have finished the course with more confidence to hold a conversation, the type of conversation one might have overseas in an English-speaking country; students are noticeably able to speak more smoothly and think on their feet - in English.

This course is a student-centered, and the teacher will use a so-called active learning set up; the focus is on debate and discussion. The teacher will make the content easy enough for any student to participate but challenging enough to make the course useful for improving thinking skills in English.

The instructor will expect students to read articles in English, form their own opinions and write essays. This prepares students to communicate their own ideas in class where they will spend most of the time in lively group-work discussion with classmates.
The ultimate goal is to improve English by actually using it.
/Course Goals
There are two basic goals:
1. English language skills (speaking, hearing, reading and writing).
2. Critical thinking skills (evaluating new information and developing ones own ideas through discussion and logic). The goal is to improve confidence to participate in a discussion on difficult issues in the society and the world.

*These are the skills necessary to participate in society, vote in elections, succeed in a career, and to be successful in life generally.
/Course contents
*This is a list last year’s weekly schedule.
*Course contents are subject to change according to current events and interests of the students.
1. Orientation; course introduction
2. Food  (fast food vs. healthy living)
3. Work (time vs. money)
4. Learning foreign languages
5. Review, speaking test practice
6. 1st Speaking and Writing Test
7. Education problems
8. Entrance exams
9. Families Issues
10. Review, speaking test practice
11. 2nd Speaking and Writing Test
12. Truth or lies
13. Gender issues in society
14. Final speaking review
15. 3rd Speaking Test
/Preparation and
review lesson
*Each week, students will be given an authentic reading (an article or book excerpt) which focuses on the content of the next week's class. They will be expected to consider the article and write an original essay based on their own ideas or values.

For example, preparation for Week Two will include:
a.) Reading an article around the topic of the food which we grow on our farms and eat at the diner table or in a fast-food shop.
b.) Thinking about this topic and gathering your own ideas from your experience, from the news, or from research about fast food, healthy food, meat or vegetarian, etc..
c.) Writing an original essay about what you want to communicate about this topic.

Review: a.) Keep good class notes of ideas gleaned from your in-class discussions with other students. These will help with tests which will follow in the coming weeks.
b.) Carefully re-read essays returned by the teacher; in order to improve writing or deepen your thinking about the topics. Please study the red-pen edits, corrections and suggestions.
/Teaching materials
No Textbook; Materials will be provided by the teacher.
30%     Written homework (essays)
20%     Quizzes
30%     Preliminary tests
20%      Final test
/Grading Criteria
(100~90) A high degree of oral communication fluency. Strong ability to communicate in appropriate everyday situations. An especially strong effort to think critically and express ones own ideas in class discussions.
(89~80) A good understanding of appropriate English, and a general ability to communicate.
(79~70) A fair comprehension and positive effort with some fluency mistakes.
(69~60) Passable, but somewhat low level and poor effort to improve English communication skills.
1. Attendance is necessary to success in this course. The in-class discussion practice is vital to developing knowledge of the content and improving English language skills.

2. Above is the typical class I give in the classroom. The course contents could change due to the learning format -- online, or in the classroom.
/Courses conducted by the
ones with practical
