
授業情報/Course information

科目一覧へ戻る 2023/03/17 現在

科目名/Subject 基礎法特講I
担当教員(所属)/Instructor 小林 友彦 (商学部)
授業科目区分/Category 昼間コース 学科別専門科目
開講学期/Semester 2018年度/Academic Year  前期/Spring Semester
開講曜限/Class period 金/Fri 4
対象所属/Eligible Faculty
配当年次/Years 2年 , 3年 , 4年
単位数/Credits 2
研究室番号/Office 小林 友彦(523)
オフィスアワー/Office hours 小林 友彦(Fridays 12:00-12:40)
更新日/Date of renewal 2018/03/07
/Course Objectives and method
Law is local. Law is everywhere in your life. How does the Roman axiom “ubi societas, ibi ius” (if there is a society, law will be there) apply to Japanese society?
This introductory course starts with an overview of Japanese legal tradition, constitutional system and judicial procedures. The course then deals with a number of contemporary issues that illustrate the way law works in everyday life of residents in Japan. Conducting comparative analyses are expected among students with diverse backgrounds. We might make off-campus visits to relevant facilities/institutions and/or invite outside experts for guest lectures. Active participation is expected. Study hard and have fun!
/Course Goals
The principal objective of this course is to grasp basic skills to examine the actual role of law and legal process in social context, with a special focus on contemporary Japanese society. It would help you to understand law from broader perspectives, rather than as book knowledge. It may also serve to make your life in Otaru safer and more comfortable.
/Course contents
Note: Topics and schedule may change depending on the class size and interests of participants.
Week 1 Guidance and technical information on legal research
Week 2 Features of the Japanese legal system
Week 3 Basics on the Constitutional law of Japan
Week 4 Group presentation on potential amendments to the Constitution of Japan
Week 5 Racial discrimination
Week 6 Otaru Bathhouse case
Week 7 Group presentation on the role of lawsuit to address racial discrimination
Week 8 Mid-term exam
Weeks 9-13 [Topics determined based on the interests of the participants, which may include: Earthquakes and real property; Love hotels; Compensated dating; Debt-suicide, etc.]
Week 14 Overall discussion
Week 15 Summing up followed by the final exam
/Preparation and review class
Before class: Read the assigned materials to prepare for in-class discussions.
After class: Elaborate your opinions and prepare for feedback questions/comments in the first 10 minutes of the next class.
/Teaching materials
- Mark D. West, Lovesick Japan: Sex, Marriage, Romance, Law, Cornell University Press, 2011, 259p.
- Mark D. West, Law in Everyday Japan: Sex, Sumo, Suicide, and Statutes, University Of Chicago Press, 2005, 279p.
* Both available at the OUC Library. You do not have to buy textbooks in advance.
Grading will be based 40% on class participation (group presentation and discussion), 20% on a mid-term exam (open-book), and 40% on the final exam (open-book).
Note: short essays can be used as substitute for exams, depending on the class size.
/Grading Criteria
A. 100-90 %: excellent performance
B. 89-80 %:   strong performance
C. 79-70 %:   good performance
D: 69-60 %:   sufficienth performance to meet the basic requirements
F. 59- 0 %:    failed to meet the basic requirements
Knowledge of law is not a requirement. 短期留学プログラムの学生と正規学生が協働して、日本社会における法の役割について考えることが主眼です。法学の学修歴は要件としません。語学の科目ではありませんので、英語会話能力は求めません。何語を使ってもいいので、多様なバックグラウンドの学生と意思疎通する努力をすることが求められます。
/URL of syllabus or other information
/Online class
遠隔授業/Online class
