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Here, we would like to introduce some of the free on-line tools we use at the Otaru University of Commerce for our blended learning classes. Various uses can be made of them, from on-line quizzes at anytime or anywhere there is an Internet connection.

This is a game-like tool where teachers can make a variety of quiz questions, have students answer them in real time on-line in class, and where the results can be seen there. Please refer to the quick start guide on using Kahoot in the YouTube video below.

With this, results of surveys can be seen in class. Here, rather than answering set answers to questions, students can freely write their own style words or even sent several in response tool questions. This is a very interesting tool that shows results visually. please refer to the quick start guide on using Poll Everywhere in the YouTube video below.

Flash cards, words lists, as well as short tests can be given on-line and the results can be analyzed. please refer to the quick start guide on using Quizlet in the YouTube video below.

This is an on-line presentation tool. If you have a device and Internet, you can make appealing presentations from anywhere, as well as show that presentation. Please refer to the quick start guide on using Prezi in the YouTube video below.

Tests can be given on-line.